That Girl(Chapter 10)

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Alex P.O.V.

I wake up this morning to the deafening alarm with a red face and tear stained pillow. I still refuse what jack said. why doesn't he just leave me already if there's someone who likes him and doesn't live at the other side of the state. I turn my face and shove it in the pillow , burying my head , trying to keep the tears away. I reach my hand over to stop the noise making my headache even worse than it already was .

I climb out of bed and go straight to the bathroom to see the state I'm in. i look as the reflection looking at me is not who I used to look like, I have massive bags under my eyes, messy hair , tear stains and red patches on my skin from the crying.


I go back to my room and grab a oversized sweater and get changed into that and pants. I give a quick brush of my hair and grab my bag to go to school. today won't be fun.

as I walk into the classroom for the first lesson I try and hide my face from the world, not wanting to be seen in the state I'm in by anyone, I quickly find a seat at the back of the classroom , away from anyone. when the lesson starts a new student walks in, late.

'oh hello you must be mya right?' our teacher Mr. Iroh says as he stand to greet her . her body has curves and she has a face which is not bad too look at, hell if I was straight I would like her. she wore thick black eyeliner and had long black hair, her top read the name of my favourite band, Blink 182 and she wore a short skirt with tights and boots. she's hot all right.

'yeah' she's trying not to make eye contact with anyone while she chews on gum slowly in her mouth.

'why don't you go sit next to Alex then?' he says gesturing to the empty seat next to me

she doesn't say anything just walks over here quickly and try's to keep her head down. the lesson goes by pretty slowly but by the sound of the bell the new girl try's to run out of her seat as fast as possible .

'hey! ' I call after her, she stops and turns around to look at me.'your mya right?' I question

'uh yeah.' she says back

'I like your top! there amazing!' she looks surprised

' LIKE BLINK?' she nearly shouts , guess she's a fan.

'Yep! there my favourite! ' I walk over to her and we start to walk to class together talking about various bands and singers.

'see you tomorrow alright?' I call after her once the day finished , she just smiles and waves in return.

the rest of the week went pretty fast from then on, talking to mya through it was easier , I didn't reply to jacks letter , I don't want to, not yet.

New Message!

From Mya12:45pm: heyyy

To Mya12:46pm: heyy :D

From Mya12:48pm: Wanna meet up or something today ? I'm bored idk

To Mya12:49pm: Sure! can we meet at the park?

From Mya12:57: Okay, see you there in 10 mins? or less ..RACE YOU.

To Mya12:58: haha okay leaving now!

When I get to the park i already see mya standing next to the kids area, I walk over .

'heyyyy slow coach.' she says as she walks up to me.

'hey mya haha , can I show you somewhere in the park?' I say getting it out the way as I need to be in me and jacks spot because not taking to him or seeing him of knowing he could be with someone else right now is killing me slowly inside.

'okay!' I gesture my hand getting her to follow me as I take her to me and jacks secret place, when I get there a single tear rolls down my face and I stop and realise how much I miss jack. our place, now there is no 'us' cause - no. I try and stop myself thinking about this.

'Alex? what's wrong' mya looks up at my face in distress

'I miss jack' I fall to my knees and place my hands in my hands, the tears keep streaming down my face and won't stop. I feel a hand rubbing my back.

'jacks your friend right? the one who moved away?' I nod in agreement but continue to sob.

'j-j-jack' I'm beginning to realise how much his name hurts me. 'he's more than a friend mya' I take my hand out of my hands and look at her , she looks completely shocked but then pulls me in for a hug. I continue to tell her everything that's happened, how much I hurt and how i can't stop it, how much I miss jack, how much I just want him to be happy but without hurting me.

'Mya...I want to leave' I look at her straight in the eye when I say this.


'it reminds me too much if jack here in Baltimore. I want to leave. i hate being here with the constant reminder that things will never be the same, the house across my road will get a new family in and me and jacks relationship will get worse by the second. I need to runaway'

'I will come with you Alex.' she looks down at the grass.

'why mya? you have no reason, your happy here!'I try to make eye contact but she won't let me .

'I don't like it here Alex, I moved here with my dad . I hate him, he ruined my childhood , he left me and my mom when I was younger. my mom died last year so I'm under his custody. I don't like being with him, he scares me and he doesn't care about me. ' she looks up' I need to run away Alex.'

'let's do this then.' I take her hands and look at her, then pull her in for a hug 'can we go tomorrow?' I whisper in her ear.

'whatever you want Alex. ' she laughs.

'but I've only know you for a week, why run away with me?' i pull away from the hug and ask her.

'I don't know, but I have a feeling that your a good friend to keep' she smiles .

'thanks' I whisper

'it's okay'

yep. Jack is getting his fucking boyfriend breaking the rules to see him.

and he can't do anything about it.

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