Chapter Eighteen: Plotting something.

Start from the beginning

She stands as she's speaking, walking over to Hinata. He braces himself, expecting a slap across the face. Instead, Sayuri hugs him fiercely. He doesn't even need to think about hugging her back, holding her close and burying his face in her neck.

As usual, she's right. The past doesn't matter. All the crap that happened in Middle School really doesn't matter at all anymore. He isn't that person and dwelling on it all isn't going to help him go what he wants in the future. It'll just drag him down again.

For the first time is what must be nearly two weeks, Hinata smiles. A real smile, not put on for anyone. His smile quickly changes to a grin and before he knows it, he's laughing, unable to contain the happiness he feels right now. It's wonderful to laugh and smile again. He feels lighter. More like himself.

Normal. Right.

He hopes it's this easy to make up with Kageyama. Even if they do just resume being friends. Hinata will take that over what's happening now any day. He has a feeling that Kageyama may not be as instantly forgiving as Sayuri. It's Hinata's fault that everyone is being hurt and while Sayuri can disregard that fact, Kageyama may not.

They hug for some time before Sayuri pulls back and smiles widely at him. "I've got a shoot on Sunday. Will you come?"

Hinata nods. "Of course I will!"

Sayuri's eyes light up in a way that reminded Hinata of Tanaka and Noya when they're plotting something. He laughs a little at himself for even thinking that Sayuri could be scheming the the way they are.

Sayuri laughs too and they share another brief hug before they settle on her bed and look through the magazines Sayuri owns. Hinata always liked doing this with her. It's always amazing to watch the way her confidence grows when she sees the pictures and realises that she is beautiful.

Hinata smiles at his friend as her eyes roam over a page.

"You know, Hinata, I never did apologise for accidentally giving the editor your picture as well."

Hinata shrugs. "It's fine, Sayuri. It doesn't really matter. I look great in that picture, anyway."

Sayuri gasps in mock disgust and throws a pillow at him. "You narcissist!"

Laughing, Hinata throws the pillow back at her. Everything is definitely going back to normal. Soon, this will all be behind him and be considered a phase of his that doesn't need to be discussed. Just like the start of middle school and his 'friends' from then.


Kageyama's weekend is dull and his mother spends it all giving him strange looks and being the opposite of subtle every time she asks if he's spoken to Hinata. The strange looks are due to the fact he told her about going with Sayuri on Sunday to a shoot. She had jumped to conclusions, as always, and asked "What about Hinata?" which resulted in a blushing Kageyama locking himself in his room and regretting telling his mum about everything.

She's been understanding and she listened patiently to everything as Kageyama explained but that doesn't mean she hasn't teased him on occasion or brought it up when the fact he's got a small (huge) crush on Hinata isn't relevant in any way.

When Sunday arrives, Kageyama can't help but feel relieved. At least today he'll have something to do. He's been practising over the weekend, of course, but he's been bored. There's only so much he can improve on by himself.

Today, though, he'll be out for moment of the day and he'll have company that isn't his parents. He's been looking forward to it. It'll be interesting to get to know Sayuri in the sense of her modelling. Especially after the explanation she gave him about why she does it. If she's as passionate about modelling as he is about volleyball, he's more than happy to be there to support his friend.

Kageyama smiles to himself a little. Each time he remembers that he now has another friend, he gets a weird feeling in his stomach and can't stop himself from smiling.

He supposes he understands why his mum misinterrupted their relationship. It hard to explain why having another friend makes him so happy. Especially because it would mean reminding his mum that at times he's really not that likable.

Kageyama showers and dresses a few hours before Sayuri is due to arrive, spending the remaining time helping his mum tidy the house. Neither of them are big fans of a messy space and it passes the time. It's almost like cleaning together is a time for them to bone despite all the family board game nights and the long conversations during meals.

When there is finally, finally a knock at the door, Kageyama has no power to stop the smile that spreads across his face. He feels like he's been waiting forever.

As fun as bonding and tidying with his mum is, Kageyama is eager to learn more about Sayuri's career as a model.

Kageyama heads to the front door and opens it as he puts his shoes on. Sayuri is stood there in a cute baggy jumper and a pair of jeans, smiling at him.

"Hello, Kageyama-kun. Ready to go?" She asks.

Kageyama nods, smiling back at the girl. He double checks he has his house keys and mobile phone before following Sayuri out to the car.

He introduces himself to the man in the drivers seat, Sayuri's father, before climbing in to the back. Right next to a snoring, drolling Hinata.

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