Chapter Fifteen: Shot.

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  Kageyama walked Sayuri home after they'd completed their plan on how to 'kidnap' Hinata. Ambush would probably be a better term for what they planned but with the way he's stuck to Girl #1 some kidnapping may be needed in order to properly talk to him. Sayuri had told him that Hinata hasn't been seen without the annoying girl since all this started. It's hard enough for Kageyama to talk to Hinata when they're not arguing and no one's around so this was going to be difficult. Very, very difficult. 

If Hinata won't talk to Kageyama then he hopes that he'll at least talk to Sayuri. Kageyama isn't sure what to expect. The obvious answer - if they get any - would be that he's just going a little crazy while trying to figure out exactly what he wants but Kageyama isn't going to assume anything. He had assumed that Hinata felt the same as him and look where that got them.

The thing about Hinata is that he's an idiot. Who knows what's going through his head and may actually, for some reason beyond most of the human race, make sense in Hinata's mind? His reasoning behind is behaviour is probably idiotic. 

Kageyama doesn't see the logic in choosing Girl #1 to "date" or whatever if Hinata is wanting to see if he likes girl or boys or both. He's had plenty of interest from many females. But like he's already said, many times, Hinata is a completely and utter dumbass. He's probably oblivious to the fact all these girls like him. He'd probably still not get it if they tried to beat him to death with their love letters.

Sighing, Kageyama enters his house to be confronted by his mum. For a brief moment, he panics and thinks he's late but then he registers the smile on his mother's face. He's never been really angry with him, annoyed is the most he's seen her been, but he still fears angering his mother. According to his father, it's quite a scary experience. Kageyama doesn't doubt that his mother can be terrifying if she wants to be. 

"I'm glad you're got more friends now, Tobio." She speaks, walking over and kissing his forehead. He leans in to the touch, allowing himself to forget all the things stressing him out for just a few moments. "Now, tell me what's going on with Hinata-kun."

"Hah?" Kageyama asks, frowning as he steps backwards. "Nothing is going on mum!" He insists quickly. Too quickly. 

She gives him a look. The mum look. The 'are you seriously trying to lie to me right now?' look. It's a look he hates and loves at the same time. It means she's got her nose where it doesn't really need to be but it also means that she's here to listen to him and for him to confide in. 

Sighing, Kageyama grumbles. "How'd you know something is wrong?" 

"The cute girl that knocked said that she needed to talk to you about Hinata-kun." She gives him a serious look before asking, worry lacing her tone, "Are you and Hinata-kun having relationship problems?" 

Kageyama gasps and steps away. "Mum! We aren't a couple!" 

She waves off that fact. "You basically are, Tobio. I'm sorry but two boys your age that are just friends do not lay on top of each other the way I found you-" 


"And they also don't buy each other volleyballs." She adds, interrupting his interruption, with a smirk. 

Kageyama stares at her. "How did you know about that?" He demands, huffing in annoyance as just how aware of his life his mother is. 

She pats his head and laughs, as if finding his anger adorable. "Tobio, we walked past the shop and when you saw it you said 'Hinata would like that' and then the next day you brought it home in a carrier back. I'm not stupid, sweetheart."

Kageyama hesitates a moment before he relaxes and proceeds to spill his guts to his mother about everything. 


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