She made another attempt to get closer to Lauren but with every step Camila took, Lauren took one too.

"I can't lose you, Laur." The brown-eyed girl said quietly. "I love you."

And there it was, that thing that kept Lauren from pulling away. But this time it was different. This time instead of butterflies it made her heartache. Lauren took a sharp inhale.

"I-I..." She let out a shaky breath. "I can't do this right now." She then proceeded to get away from Camila. Her mind was clouded and the heartbreak was so new to her that it was all hitting her at once.


Monday: Sent me flowers

Camz (7:35pm): Hey I stopped by your house... Your mom told me you weren't home. I hope you're okay. I dropped some of your favorite flowers.

Camz (7:40pm): I love you.

Lauren laid on top of her car, which was parked in one of the town's outlook points. She went there whenever she felt like she couldn't talk to anyone. It was her place that no one knew of, not even Camila. She read Camila's message and wiped the tear that had escaped her eye. She wanted to believe her, she really did. She stared at her phone before typing out a reply. Even though they were on bad terms, she didn't want Camila to worry.

Laur (7:50pm): I'm okay. Thank you for the flowers.

There was an immediate reply.

Camz (7:51pm): Can we please talk?

Camz (7:51pm): I can't stand this.

Camz (7:51pm): I'm sorry I hurt you, Laur.

The green-eyed girl read the message but didn't reply. She shut her phone and looked up at the night sky.

"Am I crazy?" She muttered to the sky.


Tuesday: Made me feel stupid

Camila waited by Lauren's locker like she did every morning but Lauren never came. She stood there until the late bell rang. She glanced down the hallway to see if the girl would show up late yet no one walked in. Giving up she dropped her head and pulled up the hood of her jacket over it as she dragged her feet to her homeroom.


Wednesday: World was ours

Lauren walked up to Camila and hugged her. The brunette was surprised. After not hearing anything from her girlfriend she had thought Lauren would want nothing to do with her.

"Thank you for being patient with me." The pale girl whispered in Camila's ear. "But I need more time and space."

Camila wrapped her arms Lauren's waist and pulled her closer. She clamped her eyes shut and treasured the warmth the other girl was giving her. Not body warmth, no something even more. That warm feeling of home. "Take all the time you need. I'll wait." She mumbled back as she held the girl tighter.


Thursday: Didn't prove it

As the day went by, Lauren and Camila would share looks but stayed away from each other. Some students even noticed the couple's part, however, they kept it to themselves.

During lunch, Normani would sit with Lauren and Dinah would seat with Camila leaving Ally to alternate.

"Lo, you need to talk to Camila about this." The dark skinned girl counseled.

"I know but I'm not ready yet..." Lauren replied despondently.

"She loves you."

"She kissed Ariana." The dark haired girl retorted.

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