Chapter 9- Catching On

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Chapter 9- Almost Over


District 1: x o - o o 

District 2: o o - o o 

District 3: x o - o o 

District 4: x o - o o 

District 5: x o - x o 

District 6: x x - x x 

District 7: x o - x o 

District 8: x o - o o 

District 9: o o - x o

District 10: o o - x o 

District 11: x o - x x 

District 12: x o - x o

Tributes Left: 18 

Tributes Dead: 30


In one smooth movement his head whips around, while his body goes into defense mode. A couple seconds pass before my words sink in, once they do he relaxes visibly.

"Who are you?" he quizzes in a slightly clipped tone.

Out of nowhere a burst of courage shoots through my veins, "You could call me your hero, savior, a god,..." I continue to list of things ticking them off my fingers. The barest trace of a smile is tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"What's your name?" He interrupts my rant. A frown creases my forehead.

"Maysilee. District 12. You?"

"Haymitch. District 12." A smirk caresses his face," Well... yes." My forehead creases further in confusion when realization dawns on me.

"Ooooh, well lets shake on it then." Our hands intertwine and together we agree, "Allies."


 It's been five days. Our routine consists of waking up, walking until we can't walk any longer, setting up camp, and falling asleep shivering. Our cycle is just always repeating. I even am having the same dream when I'm half- conscious, half- asleep. I'll be wandering around in an icy rain when I'll feel warm wind spread across my face before the rain stops and a warm fog takes it's place.

The next morning I'll wake-up with a blanket wrapped around my body in a cocoon when I swore it wasn't there before. 6 more tributes have died.


8 days have passed and everything looks the same. Every tree, every stone. Occasionally we will pass a strange landmark just to know we aren't going in circles. A field here, a lake there, but most of the time just rolling hills and trees as far as the eye can see. 8 more tributes have died. 4 are left. We are in the final four.


9 days and I've as much as given up. My feet drag, my stomach has given up growling knowing it won't be satisfied, and my lips have become as dry as the sun. 

The mountain we've been climbing on has began to become shorter and shorter until it drops off into a cliff.

"Haymitch," I whisper, "HAYMITCH!" I call out to him grabbing his arm when he dosen't respond. "There's nothing here."

"There is! We just have to keep going."

"Haymitch," I whisper his name like a caress. My hand goes up without my consent to caress his cheek, "I don't want us to be the last two." I drop my hand for my lips to take it's place just for a moment, "Goodbye." Blinking back tears i begin to back away down the mountain.

A big rock looms over my head when the screeching starts. Big cotton candy pink birds flock towards me. The birds swoop in so fast I barely see it coming, and when I do its too late. My scream pierces the air filled with pure pain. Black dots start to swim in my vision. Before I blackout I think, "This time I'm not waking up."



So sadly this story is coming to an end. I think Chp. 10 is going to be the last Chp. then after that an epilogue. And what I want to know is if i should do a seguel for Haymitch AFTER the games. In 'The Hunger Games' they don't mention much background so maybe I could do that and have it tied to this story. Comment what you think I should do.




The 50th Hunger Games- Maysilee POVWhere stories live. Discover now