"Great! Sorry, we'll just talk then. " The volleyball player responded immediately. She walked around Maia and sprinted towards her teammates.

Maia turned her heels and kept an eye on Lauren as the girl draped her arm around Camila's shoulder. She laughed softly when she saw Camila glare at Lauren before picking up the girl's arm from her shoulder and dropping it down. Nonetheless, Lauren was persistent, placing it back on her teammate's shoulder. This time Camila just looked at the green-eyed girl and rolled her eyes playfully.

"Game on, Cabello." Maia said ominously. "May the best of the best win."


After the talk with Normani, Lauren walked the halls in search of Camila. She was worried for the girl knowing that she probably broke off her relationship with Ariana and is in need of a friend.

"Lauren!" A familiar voice yelled out. Lauren turned around and saw Maia jogging towards her. She groaned internally. It's not that disliked the Australian it was just a bad time for her with the current situation. "Hey, are you walking to class?" Maia beamed.

"Hi Mi. Umm actually, I'm not..." The volleyball sent a polite smile.

"Oh." Maia spoke, her voice laced with disappointment. "Where you headed?"

"I'm trying to find Camila. Have you seen her by any chance?" Lauren questioned as she looked around.

"No. Why is she in trouble or something?"

"She kind off had a fight with her girlfriend... Were you not in cafeteria today?"

Maia shook her head and furrowed her brows together. "No, I was in the library tutoring a freshman with Biology..."

Lauren chuckled and turned to face the soccer player. "I thought you hated Biology."

"I kinda fell in love with it, I guess." She answered casually with a shrug as she stared into the green pools. That wasn't the only thing she fell in love with.

"Look at you, Ms. Mitchell. Taking interest in something else other than soccer." Lauren pushed Maia teasingly.

"Hey! I'm not just some stereotypic dumb jock, okay." Maia scoffed.

"I never said you were."

"But you implied it."

"I think that's a matter of opinion."

The brunette rolled her eyes and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Aren't you looking for someone?"

Lauren's eyes widen in sudden realization that she completely forgot about Camila. She slapped her hand up to her forehead and huffed. Damn, her accent.

"Right, Camila. I'm sorry but I have to go." The green-eyed girl excused herself and continued her search for the girl. She looked back at Maia who stood and waved goodbye to her.

"Aye, I still need an answer for that date!" The girl shouted.

Lauren flashed a small smile at the soccer player before picking up her pace. With Maia, everything was easy. It was never complicated and the girl was very straightforward with Lauren. And with the accent it was like her worries would fly past her. That's why the volleyball player always had a running mind filled with 'what ifs'.

She strolled through the quad and stuffed her hands in her shorts. Her mind completely overwhelmed with so many things. She still needed to give Maia answer about the date. She needed to have her talk with Ariana. And most importantly, she needed to find Camila.

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