In Love With a Girl

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It's been a month since the babies were born, and we have to leave for Crash My Playa. Luke's mom, LeClair said she would take them, and take care of them. She said we needed a break , and I would have to agree. Twins are a handful.

"Do you have the bottles ready?" I called in the kitchen, to Luke, as I changed Bryson's dipper.

"Yep." He picked up Karlee, and feed her.

"When's your mom coming?" I set Bryson on my hip, and grabbed his bottle.

"Tomorrow at 10." He repiled, finishing feeding Karlee.

I set Bryson down next to Karlee in the playpen, and landed on my back, next to Luke on the couch.
It was almost 5, and the twins feed for the night, so all they needed was to put down for the night.

"We should put the twins down for bed." I leaned on Luke's shoulder, he had his arm around me.
I sat up, leaned down into the playpen. I picked Karlee up, and Luke picked up Bryson.
We walked upstairs togdther, and went into the nursery.
I set Karlee in her crib, with pink sheets and big stuffed bunny.
Bryson had blue sheets, and a stuffed brown bear.

"Ok." I whispered, quietly shut the door. "Let's get something to eat."
I went downstairs, Luke followed me.

"What should we eat?" Luke asked, sitting on the stool, at the island. I walked to the other side.

"What do you want?" I leaned on the counter.

"You know exactly what I want." He came around the counter, smirking.
Luke put his arms around me, and started kissing my neck. He pulled me close, with no space in between us.

"Luke..." I giggled a little, but he wasn't gonna take no for answer. He lifted me onto the counter, I warped my legs around his back, and arms laying around his neck. Luke had his hands tightly warped around my waist, he was had his lips on mine, claiming dominance. Luke lifted me off the counter, hands on my butt. He laid me down on the couch, and hovered above me. Luke's hands reached up my tank top, and unhooked my bra. I got a hold of Luke's belt, and undid it.


I laid on Luke's chest, he had his arms around me. We were on the big couch in the living room. It was 5:48, the clock above the tv said.

"You're so beautiful." Luke said in a low tone, as he played with my hair.

I traced circles on Luke's stomach. "I love you." I smiled.

Just then, I heard the twins start to cry, through the baby monitor.

"We should go check on them." I groaned sitting up, and moving the blanket that was keeping us warm.
I stood up, and grabbed my underwear. "I've got it this time, babe." I told Luke, yawning.

"No no, I've got it. You lay down." Luke sat up and put on his boxers, and sweatpants, then tshirt.

"Let's just do it together." I grabbed the monitor from the table, and walked up stairs, with Luke trailing behind.

I went over to Karlee, and Luke got Bryson. Karlee calmed down quickly, Bryson took a little longer. Once they were settled again, I went to finish packing.

Luke went downstairs to order some takeout. I added a few more tank tops, and shorts. And my swim suit, and then the one for Luke...
When I had everything packed, I set my bag at the end of the bed, and went downstairs. Luke was sitting in his chair, he just got off the phone because his phone was still in his hand. I sat over on the couch and messed around on my phone.

"Foods here." Luke got up, and put his phone down. "I got you orange chicken and extra egg rolls." He smiled.

"Thanks. You know what I like." I grined big.

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