Chapter 2 : His replacement

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Yuki opened her eyes and saw that she was asleep in her own room. She smiled 'Good it was all a dream'. She rubbed her neck and froze. She rushed to the mirror and saw that she still had the mark. 'It wasn't a dream...'

Yuki gasped seeing Ryosuke from the mirror. She turned around and he smirked. She backed away from him.

'Wait... But it's morning...'

"I thought vampires stay in coffins when it's morning..."

He rolled his eyes "Do you expect me to bring a coffin here?"

The thought of having a coffin in her room made her shiver "B-but still why are you able to stay here?"

"Why do you think I'm standing where there's no light?"

Yuki pouted.


"You make me feel stupid"

"If you weren't stupid you wouldn't feel stupid. It's that simple"

Yuki grabbed a mirror and reflected the light to where Ryosuke was.

"Stop that!" he ducked and disappeared somewhere

She smiled in victory "That's what you get for calling me stupid" she walked into her closet and shrieked "What the hell are you doing here?!"

"Well thanks to you I couldn't stand by the sink anymore"

"Why are you in my house anyways?"

"Don't you remember? You said you would be Miki's replacement"

"You mean you lived with Miki like this?"

He shook his head "Her parents sold her to me so she lived in my house"

"Your house must be dark"

"No shit" he rolled his eyes

"There you go again!"

"Shut up and get dressed you look hideous" and he was about to disappear when Yuki stopped him.

"What happened to Miki?"

"I told her"

"What did she say?"



'So I really became her replacement?'


"I'm home~" Yuki walked inside.

'Not that there is anyone home. I've been living alone since high school started because I couldn't stand moving all around the world all the time because of my parent's work.'

"It's so dark..." she was about to open the curtains.

"Don't" Ryosuke grabbed her shoulder.

She gasped "You scared me"

"You don't live alone here anymore so don't make your house so bright"

I sat down on the couch "Miki didn't come to school today"

"Oh..." he nodded, he had a look of concern.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Why do you want to get married?"

He sighed and sat next to her, "It's not that I want to get married, but I have to"

"You have to?"

Ryosuke nodded and began to tell his story.

"I used to have an older brother but he got killed by one of our enemies and my parents wanted me to be his replacement"


"I was always a really rebellious kid unlike my brother who is the 'ideal son' and he was supposed to take over my dad as the king after my dad dies but-"

"Wait... I thought vampires live forever?"

He gave me a weird look "Seriously, where do you get your information? All the vampires die when they're around 2,000 years old. It's like '100' in the human world"

"...How old are you?"

"I'm 360"



"You're 342 years older than me..."

"I can't even remember what I was like when I was 18..." he said "Okay anyways, since my brother died, I have to become the king when my dad dies which is in 2 weeks"

"How do you know specifically when your dad is gonna die?"

"The doctors are advanced there unlike here" he rolled his eyes "But since my brother's fiance is a bitch I told my parents that I want a different one and they got Miki because her dad didn't want her"

"Do you love Miki?" I asked

He was quiet for a second. He looked at me, smiled and shook his head.

'He does...'

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