
7.7K 212 34

The gleaming full moon,

Sheds its light.

Rising over the forest,

On the creatures of night.

The chirp of a cricket,

The wildcat's scream,

The hoot of an owl,

The gurgling stream.

The creaking of wood,

The still, cool breeze,

The rustle of branches,

The swishing of trees.

The whip poor will's mourn,

Breaks the stillness of night.

Stars shine in the sky,

Like twinkling lights.

The dew on the grass,

The bird that takes flight,

The flower that opens,

The picture of night.

The dripping of rain,

As it falls from the sky,

Running through the forest,

From up on high.

The stars in the sky,

The moon shining bright,

The soft gentle breeze,

The stillness of night.

Smell the clean air,

Of flower and tree.

Open your heart,

And let it fly free.

Open your eyes

To the beautiful wonders,

Open your ears

To the rolling of thunder.

Listen to the story,

The forest has to say.

Listen very closely,

And you'll be bound to stay.

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