Chapter Three

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Chloe woke up to her alarm clock beeping, which meant it was 6:30 am. Chloe took a shower and dried off. She changed into her outfit and straightened her hair. She applied make up and grabbed her bag. She ate a small bowl of cereal and went outside. She met up with Nick and Maddie. They all waited for the bus together. When it picked them up it was exactly 7:15. Maddie sat with Chloe while Nick went to the back to sit with some friends.

"So how did you handle the breakup?" Chloe asked.

"Horrible, but Chloe. Promise me this, you won't date Brandon."

"I promise."

They got to school. Maddie and Chloe signed in and went to class. First they had Hip hop class.

Maddie lacked behind while Chloe accelerated. At the end of school Chloe and Maddie went to ALDC.

"Welcome." Miss. Abby said.

"This week, the people who will be getting solos are, Chloe, Maddie, Mackenzie, and.... Paige. Now we are going to the pyramid."

Of course like usual Maddie was on top, Chloe only a short distance behind.

"Well actually, Paige and Chloe will be doing a duet."

They smiled at each other. Miss. Abby helped them practice and they learned their dance.

"Ok, girls we are leaving for the competition in two days, you are dismissed. "

Maddie tried to walk up to Chloe but Paige beat her.

"What's up Paige?" Chloe asked.

"Do you want to hang out? Maybe practice our dance and I could ride the bus with you?"

"Sure, let's go! Wait... Maddie do you want to come?"

"Ok." Maddie mumbled. They got in the car and went to Chloe's house. They went swimming for a while.

"Paige do you have extra clothes?" Chloe asked.


Nick called Chloe, soon afterwards.

"Hey baby." He said.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Can I come over?"


Paige and Maddie were watching TV while Chloe was practicing her dance while waiting for Nick.

"You need to kick higher." A voice said.

Chloe turned around and it was Nick. She ran up to him and gave him a kiss.

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