20. Baseball Brawls

Start from the beginning

"Look, I'm fine, practically good as new." I stated, giving her a lopsided grin, despite the fact that I knew that I shouldn't be playing this season, leave alone playing against the team that sabotaged me last time.

"You're not good as new, you can't catch a fucking outside low without hurting yourself." She snapped harshly and my grin slipped,

"I can catch fine."

"No you can't, why do you think I don't give you outside lows anymore?!"

"Ash, she's right, you're a bit weak on your left foot still, even I noticed it" Xavier cut in, his tone full of worry, "Maybe you shouldn't catch this game?"

"I have to catch this game, Soraya needs to pitch because no ones seen her before and no one else can catch to her" I stated,, "And you need to use outside lows. It's their weakness, so don't fucking not do them because you think you need to go easy one me."

"That's bad idea man" Alistair pointed out, his brows creasing into a frown,

"I don't care if its a bad idea, I know my limitations. So don't go around thinking you have the right to tell me what I should and shouldn't do!" I snapped, my anger boiling into a burst. Hurt flashed across Alistair's face, but I ignored the emotion and turned the Wifi on without another word. Neither Soraya nor Xavier made another comment on the matter, however, Soraya's heated glare made her opinion crystal clear.


The day had heated up by the time we made it to the field. It was still half an hour from game time, but we could see a couple Maverick's warming up their throws on the far side of the pitch.

"Listen up!" Coach called, "This is a tough game and I don't want anyone slacking off, do you understand? That mean's outfielders awake and infielders on your toes! Is that understood?" There was a grumbled response from a couple but Coach silenced them with a look. "Good. Everybody grab a glove and start warming up, Klarence, Kingston, go warm up together."

One glance at Soraya and I could tell she was still angry, but it wasn't her place to be mad at me for my choices. I was playing and there was no way I could even stomach sitting this one out. That would be showing weakness to a team that we couldn't afford to give an edge to.

"Hurry up, Ass, we don't have all day." Soraya shoved her shoulder against mine roughly as she passed into the dugout.

"Someones in a mood," Alistair stated with a smirk as he looped his arm over my shoulder and began pulling me towards the benches, clearly already over my outburst on the bus. "Best not to keep the Princess waiting."

"I don't feel like Princess is what I'd be calling her" I replied with a smirk, dropping my duffle under the bench with a 'thud'. Soraya glared at me as she pulled out her glove, and I shot her a wink.

"Get your asses moving! We have a game to win!" Coach shouted and everyone piled out of the dugout and onto the strip of grass out behind the fence. Immediately pairing off to warm up their arms.

"Nothing to fancy, remember, Ray?" I called over to her, ignoring the way the small wind stuck my shirt uncomfortably to my back and letting a smirk decorate my face as she tossed the first ball with a hard glare on her face. It flew true and landed neatly in my glove with a soft 'thunk'.

"That good enough for you?" She called back sarcastically as I send the ball back in her direction,

"Was perfect, Princess. " I mocked with a laugh, however, when I looked up I noticed she was no longer paying attention to me, instead, he focus was over my shoulder. A frown creased my brows and I turned to glance behind me, only to see, with a tinge of annoyance, a small group of Maverick's walking past the rest of the team in our direction.

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