Chapter 19

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'I must admit I have never seen a woman ride a horse as fast as you have today Jane,' Matthew said falling into step with her after he had handed his horse to the stable hand. He had never seen a woman do or say any of the things Jane did or said. She was truly a wonder. He had not meant to kiss her but she was there being everything he wanted in a wife and it just happened. He was sure she resented him because of it. He and Charlotte had been invited, but their mother had forbidden Charlotte to leave her room after what she had done. Matthew was grateful for Derek's friendship, it was because of it he had even considered being a part of the games.

When he had arrived, he avoided Jane, but he knew he would have to face her and he would tell her his feelings. Matthew was sure he would end up alone and unmarried, his father had always said he was far too picky for a man and was once accused of being a queer. But he knew why he was picky. He could not stand women whose priority in life was fashion. It was not always a bed of roses in a marriage he had witnessed that with his parents, but when the time came when love was not always there they had friendship and conversations to depend on and when the love came back they were always stronger than ever. His mother understood him and always encouraged him to find a woman he could talk to and not only love.

She had said marriage was a combination of things and that was what the young did not understand. Matthew was proud of himself, now approaching his later life, at the very mature age of twenty and nine he had no children and no women running after him because of false promises he had made. Like every other man he had had one or two inappropriate meetings but he soon learned his values were not anywhere near those gentleman's clubs. He preferred to be home with a woman he could look at for the rest of his life and he had seen that woman in Jane. She was pure and simple. Sensible and strong yet delicate and believed in a dream. She was what he had been waiting for.

He was sure she was afraid of giving her heart to another after what had transpired in her past but he knew she was a sensible woman and she would be able to tell the difference between a man who wanted her because she was beautiful enough to be wanted and a rake who sought amusement in innocent women. He had watched her ride and was more than impressed with her skill on a horse. He had not imagined meeting her by the river that day would lead him to feelings he was sure would consume him whole. Her hair in its ever present braid was draped over her shoulder and stray hairs flying all about her face. The wind was determined to tangle her neat braid as much as it could. The sun was slowly disappearing behind clouds he was sure would pour buckets of water upon them in no time, but the rays hit her eyes and they shone, ever so bright. He was sure it the excitement she got from riding. Then he wondered how her father ever allowed her to participate in something even the most skilled riders have collected scars and one, he heard, had lost a limb. He was positive his daughters would not ride, they would not participate in anything that posed a threat to their well being. He would not be able to stomach the thought of them in pain.

She was taking off her gloves and her hand slipped from the course material with such delicate care he almost reached out to touch it. 'I have had more than enough practice.'

'It is still beyond me how your father permits you to ride.' She stopped walking and turned to face him. He had awoken her, her eyes became a pool of opinion. She was ready to defend woman kind, but then a voice came from behind them. She turned away from him and she was gone. Her attention was now focused on the man approaching them. The future Duke of Sussex, William.

The rain had come sooner than anyone had anticipated and they had to abandon their meal outside and run for shelter. Jane had spent ample time in William's company since he had arrived. When the rains started he gladly took off his coat and led her indoors before she was wet. They were now seated in the drawing room, her sister was at the pianoforte. She was quite the talented one and her voice was exquisite, nothing like he had ever heard before. If they were not so many rules in society she might have sang in a club where her voice would be appreciated. Unfortunately society was rather cruel to woman who made a living for themselves and he imagined the Duke drew the line with Jane and her riding. That sort of rebellion in a family was only permitted for one child. The Lieutenant was a constant at Sarah's side. He found the man rather agreeable, they had had a conversation or two and the man seemed upright in morals and values and he spoke ever so fondly of the young Lady Weldrake, Matthew was sure a proposal would be the final outcome of his stay.

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