Chapter 30- Interrogation

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Harmony's P.O.V
Derek and Sage stood in front of the bloody, battered rogue that laid before them. Their faces grim, daggers being shot from their eyes at the rogue, but he simply cackled and mocked them. Every question they had for him, he laughed before spitting up blood, this continued after every question, repeated or not, earning him a punch slamming into his body, making him howl before chuckling again. It was sickening watching him enjoy this torture, it made my stomach turn but of course, I didn't let the rogue see that.
"Why did you attack us?" Derek snarled, getting up in the rogues face. The rogue smiled grossly before spitting more blood into Derek's face making him growl as he whipped it away, his eyes turned a darker shape as he slammed his fist into the rogues jaw, making it instantly bruise with a 'beautiful' goose egg appearing. Note the sarcasm.
Derek and Sage continued questions such as;
"Who's your master?"
"Where is your master located?"
"What was the reason behind the attack?"
"What do you want with her?" They asked, pointing at me.
All these questions ended as failure as he kept his rogue packs secrets to himself as he smiled disgustingly up at Sage and Derek. They continuously beat the rogue, smashing silver bars onto his wrists before holding it there, making the skin boil and burn, whimpers sounding from the rogue.
The rogue, ever once in a while would look at me with an all-knowing smile with eyes filled with lust and hunger. Not to become my mate but for me to become his literal meal, the look made me shiver inwardly but I didn't once allow his to know how it gave me such discomfort.
Finally, Sage sighed before one final blow to the already bruised jaw line. Storming out of the wolfs bane cell rooms, Derek and I followed behind him before he closed the cell door, locking it. We all marched our way out of the prison like room which was located underground, outside it looked like a wine cellar, a perfect disguise if humans were to wonder onto this land, if they haven't already seen the abnormally sized wolfs surrounding the property.
Derek and Sage stomped up the stairs, obviously pissed, but I knew better then to show my emotions to the rogue as he'd use them against me.
"How the hell are we supposed to get any answers from him when all he does is cackles like a maniac and spits in our eye! I say we fucking kill him brutally!" Derek snarled, running his hand through his messy hair one too many times. Crossing my arms I frowned, a stern look aimed at him.
"You know full well the reason we haven't killed him , you know we need the answers. We can't kill him, not yet." My brain full logic mode instead of full 'pissed off, I'll rip your head off' mode. He knew I was right as he sighed, closing his eyes taking heavy, slow breaths, calming himself down.
"None-the-less, we need answers but we were down there for hours and we got nothing but a bloody spit in the eye, literally." Sage grumbles, miserable and stressed, hand rubbing the back of his neck as if it was sore. The rogue felt the need to continuously look at me whenever he felt was needed, the whole situation seems to be situated around me, everything related to me.
"You guys might not like this idea but it's the best I've got." I awaited a nod from both of them before I continued. "I go in alone. Everything is situated around me. Someway, somehow it all connects to me. What if the answers are only to be given from him to me then whoever I tell."   They looked at me with multiple expressions whizzing through their eyes. They stared at me for a while, making me uncomfortable. I shifted my weight from my right to my left foot as I crossed my arms feeling a sudden breeze pass by us, making me let out a slight shiver.
"Absolutely not."
"It's a chance we should take." Derek agreed at the same time as Sage disagreed. They both looked at each other with challenging eyes, logic and love going through Sage's eyes while Derek only had logic and revenge going through his. He needed revenge on the rogues for killing his men, his family and I'm willing to help provide that revenge.
"I'm going to do it." I announced, catching the attention of both men, Sage ordering me not to with his eyes while Derek held hope, as if he could brush it with his finger tips but not quite reach it. Ignoring their stares I decided to go to bed early, I need some rest for the day ahead of me. Brushing by Sage, I felt an electric zap from were our skin connected, making my gasp quietly.
My walk towards the house was cold from the slight breeze that flowed through the trees around me, engulfing me, reaching the front door I open it only to be swept off my feet, literally. The scent of Sage filled my nose, making the butterfly feeling in my stomach. Quietly discouraging it, I hit his back with my fist.
"I can walk on my own, thanks." I sarcastically stated though he didn't put me down as he carried me to our room. I felt Sage slightly stop before opening a door, turning and closing it. With a slight bit of force, he tossed me onto the bed with a stern look smeared over his features. He bent down onto his knees so he was face-to-face with me, staring me directly in the eyes in which I did not separate eye contact.
"You are not interrogating that rogue alone. Do you hear me?" Sage ordered, making me instantly frown.
"I won't have to go into the cell, Sage. I'll be fine, you beat the shit out of him anyways." I reminded him, still he seemed unmoved as he stared intently into my eyes, as if trying to force me to agree with him. A heavy sigh escaped his lips.
"Fine." He paused, a slight smirk pulling at the corner of his lips. "On one condition." He paused once again, a larger smirk pulling at his lips, eyes filling with a lust.

"I get to mark you. Do we have a deal, miss Harmony Maddison?"
Hello! Sorry if it's not the best cliff hanger, but you know Harmony is basically scared to get marked so that might be interesting. Anyways, sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes. I hope you enjoyed, sorry if this is a little more laid back but it has some useful information, I promise it'll get WAY more interesting I just want to include more information, I guess instead of just the larger details because to me, little details are important too.
With that, I hope you enjoyed and I hope you keep reading to find out what happens. I'm a little worried, I haven't gotten any notifications about my book so I'm worried you guys are giving up on it!

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