"Sick!" He basically says that every week when I check the new size. You would think we were talking about literally anything but a baby. But his excitement is really fun. He's been so sweet to me these last five months. Not that he isn't always but he's been extra sweet.

The waitress came back over to us. "Any dessert?"

"Actually yeah," I started saying as Niall looked at me funny. "What? I've been craving sweets all day," I defended. The cravings have been very real and very random.

He rolled his eyes. "I think you just say that when you want something."

"I'm sorry, do you want to carry our child instead?"

"So, one slice of chocolate cake?" The waitress awkwardly asked.

"Yes, please." She darted off.

"Be careful," he told me. "Chocolate has caffeine. If you have caffeine the baby has caffeine."

"A piece of cake probably has less caffeine than a cup of tea," I said. Sometimes he's a little too concerned but I guess I shouldn't complain.

"Okay. If you say so," he mumbled.

"Eat the other half for me then."


An hour later, we were all ready for bed. We really have turned kind of boring. But we lived it up in the first few years of marriage, going out every other weekend and traveling all over. Plus, it's not like I can drink right now. The boys weren't doing anything tonight anyway. Usually I still go and I'm just the designated driver because I hate missing parties.

"It says here that it's totally normal for your ankles to be swollen. So don't worry," Niall said. He's finally reading What To Expect When You're Expecting after me bugging him to do it for the last five months.

"I know it's normal and I'm not worried," I told him with as even a tone as I could manage. I'm kind of regretting asking him to read it because he keeps informing me of what he has learned. He finds my cankles pretty amusing.

"It also says that the baby only weighs one pound right now. So that means most of that weight is you."

"Okay that's enough of that," I said as I took the book from his hands and set it on my bedside table.

"Well now what do you want to do?"

"Get you to stop talking," I told him as I started kissing him.

"Okay this is better," he admitted as he pulled me on top of him. It takes more effort than it used to because of the bump between us. We've had to get a little creative.

"I thought so." I pressed my lips to his jaw. At this stage of my pregnancy my libido has never been higher. Practically everything he does turns me on.

He pulled my shirt off. "Shit, Liv, your boobs look amazing."

"Oh my god." Men are so simple.

He pulled away slightly, his breath hot against my lips. "Want me to go down on you?"

A blush spread across my cheeks and it's like I'm twenty again as I nod yes.


"Are you getting worried because the tour isn't over?" Sophia asked me. "You look about to pop."

"My due date is two weeks after the last show so I'm praying we can make it home in time. We have a doctor flying home with us just in case something happens on the plane."

It's actually funny the hoops we've had to jump through for me to be with Niall on tour. I've had doctors appointments all over Europe and North America. But it was better than being at home without him during the whole pregnancy.

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