Backstage: Scene 1

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N: sorry Vegeta but your really bad with these stories, take a look at the picture..
V: I don't give a single *pause*
Krillin: *slowly backs away as Vegeta gives him a devilish glare*
N: this story is way more popular than Evil!
Yamcha: don't jinx it!
Tien: either way, Vegeta could still ruin the stories about himself, he IS himself..
Piccolo: Ha!
V: How is everyone here, I swear I locked the doors!! Kakarot's idiotic friends are annoying me!!
Tien: is this so called prince is going to throw his little tantrum! *says in a baby voice*
V: shut it triclops, are you going to act so brave when you can barely GET YOUR POWER LEVEL TO RISE FASTER THAN THE BALD MIDGET!!
N: Vegeta stop acting up! Your acting like a *whispers* human girl..
E4Everyone: HAHAH!!
V: RRRRGGGGHHHH!!! I don't care if you like how I wrote a story!!! I WILL PROVE to you I am the best author there is!!!
E: *stares at Vegeta*
V: now... Give me my Golden Grammy
E: *walks away*
V: better!..
V: ...Think they can tell me that I suck! Well they don't KNOW WHO there missing with!
Phone: *ring, vibrate *
V: *checks ID* Hmmm [I'm going to tell you my name it's Liz... Yea...] the woman. *reads text*
Me: *message* Vegeta I was reading the story... And wow, I don't know how to tell you but I like it! I also did a story and I want to give you the link, please put this on the next one!
V: *texts back* Why should I?
Me: *texts back* just do it or I'm not going to making you food no more
V: *texts back* WOMAN, that's not going to work on me no longer! Have you ever heard of Domino's!!
Me: *texts back* 💩👎 bitch
V: *texts back* slut
Me: *texts back* whatever, fuck you! Your going to or else!!
V: *texts back* or what!?
Me: *texts back* GOT TO HELL!!
V: *throws phone to the other side and looks at the computer* can't do anything around here! *reads the story Liz gave me*
N: hey Vegeta, wha cha reading?
V: none of your damn business!
N: don't be like that, your always a good cheery person..
N: watch your Language Justin Beiber!
V: I am not- *thinks to self: 'take the complement..'* Hmph..
N: haha
V: *glares at Nappa, Nappa starts blushing* dafaq!
N: Vegeta I got a text message from Liz, she said to make you post the story she made or else..
V: FINE!!!
N: YAY!!
V: *groans in frustration* *opens google* leave! *pushes Nappa to the door*
N: BUT I want to watch porn TOO!!
Tien: Yes you are
V: I don't need porn, when I could more chicks!
Tien: Bulma is the only woman to have a crush on you
V: so that third eye of yours could finally see right, or is it blind!
Tien: either way, my eye could still bullshit
Krillin: "THIS is inspired by Team Four Star, go watch on YouTube!"
V: like anyone's going to listen to you.
Piccolo: Vegeta, highly anybody listens to you
V: ... *silence* Fuck you!
Goku: Oh, Hey guys!!
V: just fucking great! The clown decided to join the party!
Goku: I just came by to tell you, the story you made was great! No kidding!
V: *frowns* Shut up! YOU KNOW WHAT!! Everyone leave but Nappa!
E: *leaves*
N: what's up Veggie
V: your staying here, your helping me with the story of the girl..
N: wow Vegeta, I didn't know you need my help?
V: whatever..
N: *sits on the bed and plays with Scratch and Sorry* you have a dog now
V: it's the woman's..
N: Bulma?
V: *blushes* No. It's Liz
N: you guys are a thing now?
V: Ummm... I was thinking we should take a break and watch that place call YouTube..
N: YouTube is not a place... Google is a place.
V: oh.. Well, the woman watches this thing called: 'best Vains.' Something like that!
N: is the chick Goth!?
N: do you mean Vine?..
V: Yes
N: Let's watch d'em good stuff
Piccolo: *uses his big ears* Yup, there so watching porn..
Yamcha: Gay
Tien: Says you
Yamcha: I'm not gay!
Tien: what was the first word you said?
Yamcha: I'm..
Tien: Now what was the third word, I can't hear very well today
Yamcha: Gay?
Tien: put those to words together, I lost the first one.. *rubs his temples*
Yamcha: I'm gay...
Piccolo: HAHA
Kid Trunks: We shouldn't be making fun of wiener suckers..
Gohan: Trunks!
Goten: sorry Gohan, Mom said that's what they do..
Gohan: Mom did not tell you that!
Goten: But she did make you read and study, she caused more problems
Gohan: To admit it I agree, but your to young to know how that works
Goten: Me and Trunsk di- *someone places a hand on his mouth*
Gohan: it's Trunks and I.. Proceed
Goten: Well, Trunks and I.. Did D- *another hand placed on his mouth*
Trunks: what happened, stays where at has happened..
V: *replays Yamcha saying 'I'm gay.'*
N: Tien is gold!
V: We have to put this on Vain
N: Vine..
V: whatever

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