Prince Of Christmas

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V: The woman's sick and she's in vacation for a week, so I'm taking over!
Me: *mumble* Vegeta *mumble*
V: shut it woman!
V: ...Where was I... Right! This is what I'M writing. For myself of course. NOT YOU!!
Me: *takes off gag with her mouth* Vegeta your going to ruin this story.
V: No I'm not! I'll show your readers what a TRUE story would be like!!
Me: y-your crazy...
V: Muh-hahahah!!!


Vegeta sat down on his thrown. He clapped his hands. Somebody came in running inside his castle. One of the useless guards bowed down on to there knees. "Prince Vegeta.. What do you need?" Vegeta looked at the useless scum

"I've called you to inform me about... Kakarot." Vegeta smirked.

The guard nodded and looked at Vegeta. "As you wish your sire, I shall inform you. Kakarot has been imprisoned by one of our guards. He's fattily injured. He's still breathing, as told he may not live next year. Or you may cut his life short.." Vegeta nodded and smiled

"I know now, your not as useless after all. Oh-well. You deserve a promotion.. IN HELL!!" Vegeta blasted the guard into bits. The other guards flinched at the scene. Vegeta looked at them "you might join him if you disappoint me as well.. Don't mess with your only chance." Vegeta said

Vegeta got up and went to another hall. He walked straight towards the prisoners, he looked inside the cells. He laughed as the Bandit stared at Vegeta with anger. "You don't deserve this! Your nothing, Goku should have won!!" Vegeta laughed at the fool.

"Kakarot isn't even near my strength, I natuarally won the battle. There's no denying it. I'm the strongest, that's all there is. Weakling!" Vegeta laughed as He walked away from his cell. Yamcha started shouting in anger.

Vegeta walked more and looked at another prisoner. The short bald one. Who finally grew hair. "Hello, prisoner." Vegeta greeted.

Krillin looked up at the devil himself. "You deserve to die of what you have done! Goku is stronger than you!!" Vegeta laughed and shook his head.

He walked towards to another cell, a new prisoner... "We meet again... Kakarot... It's been quite long, since the day I defeated you and claimed my throne." Vegeta said. Goku looked at the ground in shame, "take a good look Kakarot, while you still can. I've killed millions of earthlings in the process of finding you, to imprison you! You let everyone down Kakarot.. They believed in you, they believed that you would able to defeat me and restore the earth back to normal like nothing happened!.. Not this time!! I rule this planet, I have claimed what's mine!!" Vegeta yelled

Goku stared at Vegeta in anger. "Vegeta your claiming nothing, all you've done was destroy Earth. Theres nothing to claim! All you've done was bring destruction into this peaceful planet!!" Goku yelled in anger.

Vegeta laughed, "and yet. You let me.. You should have known I was stronger than you. That's all there is Kakarot, Kakarot you where better than me in the beginning, but now.." Vegeta laughed to himself, "you showed me that being lucky doesn't last as long." Vegeta raised his hands. He was aiming at Goku "say your prayers low-class scum!" Vegeta's hand lighted up with his ki. He shot it toward him

Goku screamed, he fell to the ground and he laid still. Vegeta laughed "now I need to pay your friends a visit as they are still alive. I'll have to tell them the good news. Hahaha!" Vegeta flew towards the cell. He looked in there. He looked at his rivals wife

"What did you do t-to.. him?" Chi-Chi asked. Vegeta smirked

"I killed him. Now I need to kill your son as well. Or maybe should I make him live." He said thinking out-loud

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