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He prepared for his conert. His concert with his eight best friends. Excitment fuelled their heart as they complete their song in the empty arena.

She prepared for his concert. With her one best friend which she knew for only 3 days, but they have become closer than ever, like they new eachother for a long while. 

The butterfly in both of their beating hearts had grown bigger. Each butterfly was painted with their own individual colours, each unique in their own way. 

The butterfly would reach full potential as they finally see eachother, flying to eachother as they were destined to.

But this has not happened just yet. The butterflies were still seperated, only a few hours from seeing and flying to eachother in harmony.

E and Ari, were walking together making their way to the long line outside the arena. Many other fans surrounded the large arena.

As she saw the many fans, her hope decreased slightly. Would she ever see him? Will their butterflies ever meet again?

"I can not wait," E exclaimed to Ari. Eun was extremley excited, brightness filled her eyes as she squealed. A small smile formed on Ari's lips, concealing the worry and doubt she had.

The more doubt she had, the more the beautiful colours of the delicate butterfly begins to fade. Lilacs, pinks and blacks started to lighten.

As her hope decreased, his grew. He told himself to look out for her. The colours of his wings grew more bright, and vibrant. Excitement filled his heart, causing the buttlerly to flutter a little. 

His butterfly is ready to fly, hers is ready to die.


The concert had commenced. He still hasn't found her, but she found him.

When she saw him for the first time in five years, a tear fell down her delicate cheek. Her bestfriend had left her and she cried tears of sadness, her butterfly on the verge of death.

But now, she sees him on stage. This stage is where he is meant to be. He's happy, he's enjoying himself, a smile is on his face. The tears that were once tears of sorrrow, sadness and lonliness had become tears of happiness.

She cheered him on with her butterfly fluttering in her heart. The colours of her wings had become vibrant. 

Her butterfly returned back to its old state, happy and vibrant. She looks sideways and sees her recent best friend. She didn't have once ever since Kyungsoo, but she is so greatful to have found her.

Eun smiles and jumps up and down at the sight of her happy virus, which causes Ari to smile. She is happy, she just needed to see him and that was enough to make her butterfly fly.

He was still hopeful to see her. He looked around the  crowds to try find her. On the top left side, she was no where to be seen. Only unfamiliar faces filled that side, which cause the colours of his butterfly on the top left wing slightly fade.

The bottom left and bottom right were the same. No one. He only had one last hope. The top right mosh. He danced to the song he is singing at the moment, his body moved gracefully to the song.

Step, step, step. He faced the top right mosh. He took the time to look for her. 

There she was. Smiling, happy and looking straight at him which caused him to pause a little. She snapped out of his trace and went back to dancing. He finally saw her, after five years.

The colours of his butterfly grew back. He couldn't stop looking in her direction. He suddenly felt nervous. What now?

What does he do now? Should he go up to her? or was this just a one time thing?

girl x friend |d.o|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora