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I sat in the living room space with EXO – K. Sehun and Baekhyun were immersed in a game of Mario Kart, Chanyeol was playing his guitar trying to compose a song, Suho was sleeping in his room upstairs while I was leaning on Kai's shoulder scrolling through instagram on Baekhyun's phone.

No one knew, but I enjoyed stalking people on instagram. I usually look at the profiles of fans, its fun okay? I'm not a creep. But the person I liked visiting their profile the most, is Ari's. I feel like a dick for leaving her without a word.

The day I got the note from SM Entertainment was the day of the horrid incident. Their proposal to me was on such short notice I just had to leave the next day. I really wanted to bid my farewells to Ari, but I couldn't. It was partially because I was short on time, but also I didn't want to see her in pain.

She had gone through too much already. Adding to her hurting would be such a dick move. But leaving her without a word was also a dick move. But that was a long time ago. Even though it was 5 years ago, I still think about her. Everyday. A photo of us in our favorite coffee shop was my phone background.

I needed to see her face everyday. I wonder how she is now. What does she look like? Has she had any boyfriends? Does she still remember me? These questions always raced my mind whenever I saw a photo of her, or when I thought about her.

I joined EXO for her. She wanted me to achieve my dreams, and I have. I did it entirely for her. She told me to do my best, reach my full potential. But she also told me to remember her through the experiences I have.

We promised to stay friends forever and I, D.O the dick decided to break this. I really want to keep on contact with her. I just waited for a sign, I waited for a letter, and I waited for a post. Nothing ever came.

I hope she's proud of me, if she even doesn't remember me. I find myself typing her name on Baekhyun's instagram and looking at her profile. She hasn't posted since 3 years ago. Her last post was a selfie in New York.

I miss her so much. I just want her to show me that she remembers me, somehow. "No! Why did I have to fall off this goddamn rainbow track? I hate this stupid game," I hear Sehun scream at the screen. I quickly look up to see Baekhyun and Chanyeol laughing and Sehun on the ground crouching and looking down with shame.

The screen had Baekhyun's character on the top half of the screen saying 1st and Sehun's was 2nd. "That was one of the most hardcore games ever. I'm so DEHYDRATED," Baekhyun, emphasized the 'Dehydrated'. Before they started the game, they made a bet that the looser would have to buy everyone drinks.

Sehun stands up and sighs, grabbing Baekhyun's arm and dragging him out the door. "Lets go," Sehun says in a frustrated tone. Kai chuckles.

"I want a mocha! Get it from Ceecee's" I scream to them as they walk out the door. Sehun slams the door angrily. "Wow, he is so worked up over a game," I say.

Chanyeol and Kai nod in agreement. Kai stands up, causing me to fall. "Why the hell did you do that?" I ask. Kai turns around to face my direction and crouches so that our faces are in front of each other.

"Stop stalking that girl! I bet she doesn't even remember you. If she did, she would have contacted right?" Kai suggests. I look down in sadness. Way to make me depressed Kai. Kai just walks upstairs. "I'm gonna rest. See ya." Kai said, walking up the stairs to his room.

"Aww Kyungsoo, don't be sad. You'll see her soon." Chanyeol says, trying to lift my mood. I gave him a look. Chanyeol just smiled at me. He was always smiling. How does he do it? He's always happy.

"You really think I'll see her again? It has been 5 years since I last saw her," I say, unhopeful as ever. Looking down, I started picking at my nails.

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