Chapter 9

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Mature Content

"How-" He raise his hand so I would stop talking as he turned around in his chair.

He had pitched black hair that was gelled back which also brought out his green eyes and he seemed around my age. He also had a suit on and a silver watch that shined in the sunlight from the window.

"You broke into my office yesterday coping all my information from my computer. What are you here for, money or more information on Roe?" I was stunned from how much he knew.

"I hit your target didn't I?" He knew everything from why I'm here to who I am. What is he a stalker but the again we also did a background check on him.

"Then would you mind telling me the information Roe then?" He chuckled at me as he made a huge smirk.

"We have a high history from way back, let's just say that." He smiled looking back on their past together. I slammed my hands down on his desk,"Did you drug him?"

"No technically I didn't well somewhat." My anger rise to its maximum point, I couldn't take it.

"TELL ME!" I yelled at him and he stared into my eyes, he could tell how much I wanted to know. He blended his pointing finger signally me to go behind his desk.

He pulled my ear to his mouth as he whispered something to me.

"I only provide the drug but I didn't drug him." He whispered to me quietly my eyes widen and I pulled the collar of his suit threatening him. "Who did you give the drug to?"

I placed my legs onto the chair pinning him down giving him no place to hide or run. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He said fearlessly.

He got up surprising me with his strength as he pinned me down on his desk a couple of his things from his desk fell. One of them was a glass photo, the glass shattered across the floor.

He gripped my arms up so then I couldn't move my arms I struggle to move at all. I really need to workout!

He placed his hand under my shirt touching my stomach, he touch was like dirt I hated it.

"Get the fuck off of me!" I yelled as he smirked, I found an opening and kick him in the ribs hard. He held his ribs because of the pain that he felt, he stood there not doing anything.

"I'll see you tomorrow sugar!" He smiled as I ran out of the room. "Charles I'm coming out, get the car started." I said through the ear set as I passed by Edwin he stared at my eyes.

We passed each other but I didn't do anything instead I ran faster out of the building. I got into Charles's car as he stared at me, he know something happened.

"Did something go wrong?" He asked worriedly, I wanted to tell him. "H-he pinned me down and t-touched me." I've always hated when people touched me mostly when I hated them. My hands were shaking from the fright I felt as I held my arm.

Charles hugged me,"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. If Roe was here he would kill me. I-I'm sorry." He held me he started crying, he made a promise to protect me from any harm when Roe died.

Roe knew I would get into trouble so he made Charles be my guardian if Roe died, and soon after Roe died.

I soon fell asleep because of all the tears that came out while heading back to Charles's apartment.


"Honey are you okay?" Lily asked me when she sat on the side of my bed while stroking my hair. She always seem to make me feel like her daughter, she was the best person to be around when your sad.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I got up from the couch in their living room, I'm guessing that Charles carried me into his apartment. I started to brush my teeth and got ready for school.

"You don't have to go to school today Alex." Charles added when he saw me get packed up. "No I'm going to be fine." I ensured him, he was still thinking about yesterday.

He hugged me,"If anything happens then text or call me okay?" I nodded as I touched my stomach remembering yesterday. "I'll drive you to school." He told me as he gave me an egg-o. I gobbled it up and he drove me to school.

I got to the school and Charles hugged me once more then he drove off to his office work place.

Edwin gave me a glance from the corner of his eye, does he know? "Your worse nightmare is coming today honey." It was Cindy she whispered that into my ear Edwin could clearly hear the words, the words repeated inside of my ear again and again.

Third period came along as I looked out the window, it was raining hard. Every droplet that came down seem to yell at me as they hit the window, the day just felt sad and terrifying.

Third period past by quickly as I pretend to write notes down and actually listen to the teacher. I got out of my seat and started to walk to
Fifth period, but someone covered my mouth and pushed me into a random room.

I couldn't tell who it was but they pushed into the floor, my body curled into a ball. I was blindfolded and had tape on my mouth, it might be another group that's trying to target me.

"Ya little bitch!" It was a man's voice and it was deep, he was around my age. He took off my blindfold and I could see him, I didn't know him at all.

My hands and arm were tied up so they couldn't move, it was like yesterday all over again. A shiver went down my spine as the boy slide his hand under my shirt.

No... No... No, NO, NO!!

He got under my shirt and unhooked my bra as I gave him a glare, he was a pervert and I wanted to kill him. His eyes was filled with greediness, as he took off his own shirt.

I wanted to kick him but he sat on top of me and my legs were tied together so I couldn't do that.


Is this how I'm going to be raped?
Is this the end?
Is this how my virginity will be gone?


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