Mark's party -part 2

Start from the beginning

Before going upstairs, I went to see if Minah is alright. She slept in the guess room that we specifically build for her. I tried my best to make the room real comfortable for her to feel like home.

Her door was slightly open, so pushed it to see how she's doing. She's still sleeping... umh. I should leave her a little note and call her when I'm at school later. I closes the door leaving her more time to sleep.

I went back up, thinking if today's plan will be a success or not. As I arrived in front of Hoseok's room, I gently knocked on his door

-''Well well, I see what you're playing here. You knocking on other's door like a little innocent girl but with me you had to punch my poor door as a punching bag'' Jungkook leaned his back on his poor door and fake cried. 

-''Sorry mister cry baby. I smash your door for a great reason.'' 


-''YEAH!'' I trowed my arms in the almost hitting Hoseok's face. Wait what.

-''Great way to start my day, huh'' Hoseok said as he was glaring at me jokily

-''See.'' Jungkook moved his head like a kid mocking an older kid as he stick his tongue out at me

-''I wasn't talking about her. I'm talking about you!" He joked as he stared at Jungkook pervert-ly 

Jungkook's eyes awkwardly turn around and walked away from this weird situation. I looked at Hoseok one more time before he runs after the maknae, he winked me. Pretty sure that the wink means, you owe me something.    

I saw Minah walking down to the kitchen to get something to eat before leaving the house to visit her aunt. I don't have the guts to announce that her crush already has a girlfriend... Or maybe I'm just over reacting of her liking Mark.  

-''Minah-ah, Don't be late tonight alright'' I gave her a nice reminder

-''I won't, don't worry'' 

I hope today will be a success and be an actual good have any disasters. So please god, don't let Park Jimin murder Mark Tuan! 

-skip/at school-

So this is my morning schedule, first period is science, then math and before lunch it's Korean class. As I walk in class, I dropped Jungkook's text book on his desk that is like two desk in front of mine but at the first row. Mine is the last desk in the second row. When I say the last desk, I mean there's 8 desks in front of me. I barely see the lessons on the board, so that's why I always ask Jungkook's help when we are home. 

After lunch, Jungkook and I have English, plus we finish the day with History class. 

You guys must be wondering if anyone knows that Bangtan and I live together. No, no they don't. Yoongi and Hoseok said it's better to keep it as a secret because they may be stupid rumor behind our backs. 

In Math class, I fell asleep on my books. I am pretty sure that I have slept for at least a good 20 minutes. Then I suddenly felt something hitting on my shoulders. As I open my eyes, I see paper balls all around my desk. My head immediately turn to Jungkook's desk. I took all the paper balls, when I was about to put them in my bag, another paper ball hit my head. I glared at Jungkook and gave him the what do you want face. He gave me the open the paper hand motion.

Hey sleepy head, wake up until Professor BigMouth will yell at you

C'mon Kim! I want to joke around with someone, wake up.

Dude you're snoring!! 

Just joking, just wake up before class will end without me doing anything fun with you. 

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