Chapter 6: Look where you step

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          "Stop! You're going to burn it all again!", exclaimed Shōhei.

          Frightened, [Y/N] obeyed and the flames stopped.

         "Sorry", she apologized again, avoiding to look at the charred trees around her.

          She had spent three hours trying to control the flames and was already tired, hungry and frustrated. At this time, she was suppose to be with Eric and Anna at the arcade like every morning ever since she joined the clan. But no, Eric had had to stay in HOMRA, like the previous days and the boys, worried that the girl did not come out of the bar, had decided that starting her training would be a good distraction for her.

          After the fight, Izumo had forced Yata and Eric to "lend a hand" at the bar until the offset price of repairing the window which, among others, included: preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner; assist and serve customers; wash the dishes; moping, sweeping and waxing the floor; taking out the trash, cleaning the toilets and bathrooms... Practically, they were being exploited by the blond. [Y/N] and the others tried to help them a little when Izumo wasn't looking because even though they pitied them, no one wanted to risk receiving the blond's wrath. After all, they were all aware of the great love Izumo professed to his bar and also how angry he was with the two for breaking the window.

         "You have to think about what it is you want to do in the time you create the flames [Y/N], forget everything else. Once the fire starts, it is more difficult to control", repeated Tatara, patiently. [Y/N] was glad that at least he was there with her. She was sure that anyone else, would have already been tired of repeating the same thing over and over again and would have given up.

          "I'm trying, It was supposed to be a small fireball. I don't know what I've done wrong this time", [Y/N] replied. She really was trying. The flames were not willing to obey her.

          "Look here", he said, getting right in front of the girl and extending his hand. She saw how a fireball appeared in his palm and how it was taking shape gradually. Finally, the fire became a butterfly beating its wings, as if it's alive.

         Aware that he had impressed her and had all her attention, Tatara raised his hand to his lips and pretended to blow the butterfly at the same time as he made it go towards her. [Y/N]'s [E/C] eyes shone like those of a child who woke up on December 25 and found Christmas presents under the tree. If only she would be able to do something so beautiful...

          "Cocky", muttered Chitose, breaking the magic of the moment.

          Far from being offended, Tatara smiled.

         "It's not my fault that you only know how to make roses, Yō"

          "Women love my roses", protested the womanizer, annoyed.

         [Y/N], who watched the funny exchange, began to form a new fireball, hoping to make the same butterfly. A couple of lumps began to separate from the ball, forming what it was supposed to be wings. She frowned. It looked nothing like Tatara's butterfly and it didn't even move. It looked more like a ball with warts floating slightly on her hand.

          ​​​​"What's that supposed to be?", asked Bandō, scaring her. She didn't hear him approach her. As [Y/N] lost concentration, the ball/butterfly attempt, shot out.

         "Watch out!", the worried [H/C]-haired warned Tatara and Chitose. The warty ball (as she had decided to call it) was heading swiftly towards them.

         The boys heard her and turned just in time for the ball to pass by Chitose's face, missing him by a few centimeters.

          "What the hell were you trying to do [Y/N]?!", exclaimed the brown-haired. "Are you trying to kill me?!?!?", he asked, pretending to be offended.

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