Love Bite Under the Moon Light.

Start from the beginning

4. I won’t tell your moms or dads given you stick by the rules. 5. Break the rules and not only will I take all of your delicious candy… but I will tell you parents and you will be grounded with no TV. No video games and no princess tea parties”

Cassie gasped her mouth falling open “NO PRINCESS TEA PARTIES …. How will I live?”

Will, Taylor and I laughed at her serious dramatic scene her arms that we up in the air expressing how frustrated she was fall limply to her sides eyes wide.

And no Justin bieber” I pointed to Taylor

“your evil” she narrowed her eyes.

“that little prissy boy” Will snorted “I would be glad to not have to hear that girl sing every day 20 x or more a day” Will teased she whacked his arm

“he’s not prissy he’s hot and amazing and beautiful and gorgeous and talented and hot and amazing

“you said hot and amazing twice, loser.” He replied with a bored tone.

“That’s because he’s twice as hot and amazing… unlike you” she retorted hitting him.
Its moments like these im glad im just their aunty.

I stepped between them when he started to noogie her “let her go” he let go laughing at her mess of blonde hair sticking everywhere I suppressed a laugh it was pretty funny she looked like shed been hit with a thousand vaults.

“Stop fighting. William why didn’t you stop them your 17 you should no better”

“they aren’t my problem.” he shrugged “plus im busy.”

“Texting your girlfriend awww” Taylor teased making kissy faces.

“Taylor” I warned she stopped Will frowned with the deadliest glare id seen come from him shed hit a nerve  I could see that much it was clear he looked close to murdering her.  

“ATLEAST I CAN GET A GIRL… that prissy kid you think is ‘oh so amazing’ will never be you boyfriend he doesn’t even no who you are and he never will he has thousands of girls after him…. What makes you soo special?? Huh”

 I was so shocked at how rude he was being I stood  not knowing what to do I saw the tears starting to form into her eyes but she swallowed them back

 “ yeah that’s what I thought” with a cold glare he left the kitchen

“OH GET A ROOM” she yelled

“TAYLOR!” I scolded at her inappropriate retort given the 2 younger kids in the room.

“Why does he need a room? He has one already?” Brandon frowned

“Ohh he can have mine” Cassie raised her tiny hand if only she knew what it really meant shed take back that offer in a flash.

Chuckling I put down her hand “no honey its fine he’s got one”

 Turning my attention to Taylor I smiled at her sympathetically “you alright?”

“He’s always like this,” she shrugged nonchalantly “im used to it.”

“Don’t worry he will grow out of it, don’t let what he said get to you either” I rubbed her back comfortingly she nodded with a small smile that only lasted a a few seconds before it returned to a scowl.

I lent back onto the counter “alright so you understand the rules?”

“Yes aunty Karla” they all said in unison with out enthusiasm
“I want a pinky swear you wont break them” I shook each of their pinkies with my own pinky.

“Is that it?” I nodded at Taylor.

“Awesome im now going to go blast some Justin bieber” I gave her a disapproving look “its revenge” she shrugged scooting out the room before I could warn her of karma.

“Alright you two im sure your moms want you two to go upstairs and brush your teeth and get into your pajamas.”

“but im not sleepy” Cassie whined.

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