The nexted morning

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I woke up went down stair esme was making breakfast, emmet and jasper were playing video games, Rosalie and Alice were reading fashion magazines and Edward was sitting at the kitchen island waiting for me I go and sit down next to him as esme puts a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me Edward ask so how did you sleep good I said after you came in I was fine then I start eating my breakfast then Carlisle came in and ask when are we getting started on school I looked up at him and said when ever I finished my breakfast Carlisle took me up to my room and gave me a paper that had division on it after I did it he asked me easy just right or to hard I said easy then he gave me algebra and I said easy then he gave me pie and I said easy then he ask what grade I was in I said 3rd then the let me go I walked back down stair to Edward he ask what you want to do I said play out side so Edward took me out side and we played hide and go seek in till lunch them we went in side I ate a pb&j them Emmet came in and ask you like video games never played I replied so when I was done eating emmet took me into the living room and we played raced then after he won I go up and walked out I fallowed the sound of someone playing the piano and walked In the Room and it was Edward so I sat nexted to him and I fell asleep my head on his lap

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