Chpt 8

106 4 1

*Tessa's POV*

// "No"


"No! No! No!"

The anger on his face written in plain Sharpie across his face. "Tessa, your going to go this"

His feet stepping closer and closer to me as I stepped further and further back only to notice that I'm against a wall and have no where to go. This is why I hate apartments.

"Tessa I don't at all even want to be in this situation but here I am. I'm helping you out right now too" his warm breath hitting my cheek. He was way to close and for some reason I liked it.

No no no. Stupid hormones.

My life was ending in a way right now. I was going to die basically being with Calum each day. Didn't he have jail friends. What about girls he use to play around with. Where are they? Where is his family? They could have took him in. But no, now it was my job. All because I poured a drink on his head.

"Whatever" I groaned trying to push past him but his hand caught my waist pushing it back to the wall. My eyes widened afraid to look back into his chocolate filled orbs.

His other hand carefully lifted my cheek so now I was in his eye sight. I noticed him first licking his non chapped lips then softly biting down on his bottom lip. He cursed under his breath turning his face away from mine.

"Calum I have to go to work" I mumbled looking down as he stepped away. "Well I'll drive you"

"Tony I don't know what to do" I tried to explain my situation to Tony with out saying it was Calum but for some reason I think he knew that's who I was talking about.

"Just call the police or a friend to get them out"

I glared at Tony. "I can't call the police!"

"They could be hiding something. Like a murder..." He trailed off not bothering to look at my face.

"You think this is about Calum don't you..."

He stayed silent looking around the kinda empty café.

"Ok. It is but still-"

"I KNEW IT!" I hit him on the shoulder for causing so much noise.

"Tony stop"

He shook his head. "He's forcing you to do all of this. It's not ok, you are in danger." Tony's eyes filled with worry and concern.

"I know but, he might be in danger and what if I'm helping him"

Wait what did I just say?

Was I defending Calum Hood?

"Tessa? Is Tess in there?" Tony let out a worried laugh and so did I. At this point I honesty didn't know where my head was.

Work went by pretty fast. Tony and I doing what we always did, many coffee dates, playing games, him attempting to get a girls number. This was why I liked work. I liked Tony. I mean not dating wise but a best friend type. He could always distract me from all the hell blowing up in my life.

"Hey I'll lock up, get home safe love" He said whipping off the counter.

"Are you sure, I don't-"

"No no, I don't want you out alone. Wait are you walking?" He started to look outside trying to spot my car.


"Well come on I'll drive you home"

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