After the food has been delivered on our table, the waiter left the room and we started eating. The atmosphere is s little awkward because I don't know what to say to them. After the incident last week, this is the first time that I'll be talking to them. I don't want to act rude or what, I started the conversation.

"So, how's the pack going?" I asked. My dad looked at me, and nod his head.

"It's doing fine. There's couple of rogues entering the pack land, but other than that, it's fine." He said. I simply nod my head in understanding.

Hey Raf, it's your birthday next week what do you want?" Uncle Rick said. I looked at him surprised that he even remembered my birthday next week.

"Your birthday?" My dad asked. I frowned that he forgot about my birthday. I'm a little hurt, but that's fine. He's busy and all. So, yeah what ever.

"Yeah." I answered softly. His eyes widen in shock. 

"WHAT??? It's your birthday?? How could I forget that!! That means you're coming of age. You'll shift for the first time and you'll meet your mate." He said frantically. I just nod my head to conceive the hurt that I'm feeling because my own dad forgot my birthday. 

"It's fine, dad." I said softly.

"No. It's not fine. Your own dad forgets the birthday of his only son. I'm sorry son." My dad said sincerely. I just nod and smiled at him. I don't want to say anything for I might say something that i will surely regret in the future.

"How could you forget you own son's birthday? and not the booty calls you have in the previous nights?" My uncle joked. I frown at that. He doesn't have to mention that especially when I'm in front. They can keep their sex life to themselves. I suddenly doesn't have the appetite to eat anymore. My dad noticed the sudden change in my mood and glared at my uncle.

"Shut up, Rick! I'm sorry, Raf. You're uncle is just kidding." My dad said apologetically. I just nod, and I think my uncle was not kidding about it. My dad only wants to be discrete and respectful especially after the incident last week.

My uncle turn to me and smiled apologetically. He was scratching the back of his head because of embarrassment. "I'm sorry, Raf. Forget what I just said. i'm just kidding." He said embarrassed. I just nod and continue eating my dinner and trying to forget what my uncle had said. 

After dinner, we went home. I went straight to my room, on my way to the stairs, I heard my dad talking to my uncle. "You complete idiot! How can you say that in front of Raf??" My dad argued.

"I'm sorry okay?? It just slipped." My uncle rebuts. I completely ignored what they are talking about and went straight to bed. Later in the evening, I heard the front door closed, meaning somebody went out. I don't care they can do whatever they want. Next week, it'll be my time to shine bitches. If I will meet my mate next week, I'll ask him if I can live with him because the house is getting smaller for me.


George's POV

How can I forget about my son's birthday? Well I don't. I'm just messing with my son, but I'm ashamed of myself after seeing my son's hurtful face that I have forgotten his birthday next week. I have been planing it all along to have the best birthday celebration for my son. Well, me and Rick have been planning Raf's birthday. 

All the invitations have been sent out and all the food to be cook are already listed so that the cook can prepare it. Everyone is excited, but we make it appoint to keep this a secret to Raf. I can't believe that he's already turning 18. He will shift for the first time and probably meet his mate. And I'm telling you that I'm not happy about that. 

I, or we want it to be us. Me and Rick have been praying to the moon goddess to be Raf's mate, but with the events this past few weeks, we are drifting away. Adding what Rick have mentioned earlier in dinner that I have forgotten my son's birthday and not the booty calls that I have in the previous nights. I'm telling you, I wanna strangle Rick for even mentioning that because it's not true. After the incident with Lane last week, I have never been with anyone. And I'm getting horny by the minute. With Raf's coming of age next week, I'm like a wolf waiting for his prey. I want to ravish that body and claim him as mine. Rick is no different. Every time Raf's around, we have this hunger to ravish that small, delicate body and claim him as our. Well, we can't do that because next week, Raf might find his mate, and I don't want to be selfish and claim what's not mine to claim. I'll just wait for my second chance mate and love him/her dearly. 

I went out to let out some steam because of the incidents that happen. I was sitting by the lake in the woods, when I remembered the piece that Raf had played during his recital earlier.  It's very sad and it's as if he's moving on or letting go of the feelings he have for someone. I'm jealous that he have feelings for someone because I want him to be mine. Furthermore, the incident with Lane also crossed my mind. The shock and hurtful look that he has when he opened the door and found me, Lane and Rick at a very compromising position. I can't help, but feel ashamed of myself for doing that to my son and my love. Yes, you heard me right, my love. I want him to be my lover not my son. Feeling frustrated, I run up the mountains and howl to the moon all my frustrations. After sometime, I heard rustling behind me, Rick appeared in wolf form and accompany me.

"What will happen next week?" Rick suddenly asked. It's not a secret between the two of us that he also have feelings for Raf. And I know the he too is holding back from claiming Raf because we don't know yet if he's our second chance mate.

"I don't know." Was my only reply. I completely don't know. 

"I hope he's our second chance. I really want him to be mine." He said sincerely. It's  not everyday you hear Rick confess something like this. For a self proclaimed man whore, who wants to claim someone as his, it's very unusual. 

"Me too, brother. I hope that he's the one." I said to him. 

"Will he accept us the moon goddess paired all three of us?" He asked. 

"That I don't have the answers yet, brother. The way we acted the last week, plus what you said earlier. I really don't know, but I praying that he would because I will shower him and tell him everyday how much he means to me." I said seriously.

"I was just joking earlier, but I guess it's my fault for bringing that up especially after what happened last week. Me too, brother. I will show him how he means to me, especially this week. I will show him how deserving I am to be his mate, I just hope that the moon goddess will pair all of us." He said.

"I agree. It's been many years since we lost our mate and I think it's time to meet or second chance. I can feel that we will have the same mate because we have the same interest these days." I said. Rick just nod his head in understanding. 

"Right back at you brother. I can also feel it." He said smiling.

Please Moon Goddess, give us Raf as our second chance and we'll show him what he really means to us. We'll show him everyday how much we love and cherish him. I promise that this week, we'll show him how deserving we truly our to be his mate. Hopefully.


A/N: Hey guys! I'm sorry for the delay. This is the chapter before Raf's coming of age and will meet his mates. I guess I'll be updating again next week because I owe you guys. I hope you like its even though it's a little crappy. Tell me what you think. LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT. 

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