Kid here?

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Newts pov.
I was trying to talk to Winston when all of the sudden the box alarm goes off. I ran to the box. Well more like limped. I mentally prepared myself for the load of questions coming my way. But what confused me was.

There's no one in the box.

I hopped into the box it gently shaking when my feet hit the rough metal cage. There was just the usual.
Crates of food,rope, and other stuff. But what I didn't understand was.
There was an extra crate. "Now why in the maze would there be an extra crate?" I thought. By now everyone was crowded around the box.

"Hey newt where's the greenie?" Winston shouted down at me.
"I don't bloody know" I called back up."there's an extra crate though"
"Well open it!" Alby yelled.
"You don't have to bloody yell Alby" I grumbled. I slowly made my way to the mysterious crate. Slowly and carefully I gently eased it open. But what I saw was very shocking. Well, more like heard. As soon as I lifted the box kid an inch, the loudest highest screech came from inside. I dropped the lid and fell against the wall. I yelped. "What was that!" I yelled. Staying against the wall pressed tightly. "How am I supposed to know?" Alby yelled. I walked back over to the crate and was prepared this time for a scream. Once again the 'thing' screamed but I didn't stop. It screamed louder and higher if that was even possible. Finally after what felt like years of screeching it stopped. I sighed. I got the lid off and was surprised to see a young girl in it. She stared at me with terrified blue eyes that were sparkling. She opened her mouth to scream again but I said " hey hey. Take it easy. You already gave me a bloody heart attack. I'm newt."She shut her mouth. Once again I sighed in relief. But that relief was short lived when she screeched again. This time she yelled words "get away from me you over sized gecko! You skinny small lump of dung!". I was taken back by her words. I backed away slowly. "Newt what's down there?" Frypan asked.
"It's a bloody little girl. Looks to be 8. Got one big mouth too."
"Get her out!" Alby said
"Yeah, doesn't look like that's happening anytime soon"
"And why not"
"This girl is so terrified she sees a face she screams."
"Well, get the crates out. Leave her. She'll get hungry sooner or later. As for the rest of ya shanks. Get back to work!"
I sighed. Soon all the crates were out and it was supper time. Mihno just got back and we met up in the homestead. I filled him in.
"This girl." He started with food in his mouth. "Made you the great newt. Scared?" Mihno said laughing.
"No!... I was bloody terrified!" I corrected.
"Oh my apologies sir newt" he said sarcastically
He stood up from the table. Grabbing a roll and a water.
"Where you going?" I said.
"The girls probably having a panic attack. Goin' to try and get her out."
"Good luck with that" I said smiling.
"By the sound of it I'll need it"
He left with a roll in his pocket and a water in his hand. A few moments later I heard the gates to the box open with a screech. Then a loud thump then a high screeched squeal then a more "manly" and I quote "manly" scream. The whole glade went silent. Then busted out laughing.

Mihno pov.
I like this girl. She seemed. Funny.
By the time I got to the box it was real dark out. Only the stars and the moon lighting my pathway. I opened the loud rusty doors to the box and plopped down. Not in the least bit graceful. The only box was shoved in the corner. I heard loud sobbing. I walked towards the crate and opened it. BIG MISTAKE! Pretty soon we were both screaming our lungs raw. Yes i am very ashamed to say. A griever scares me plenty but this? This was a full blown griever army! After a few seconds of bloody murderer we both quieted down. She went back to sobbing. I walked to her carefully.
"Hi sweetheart. My names mihno. What's yours?" I asked cautious
"" She managed out smally.
"Well hi sky. Hey that rymed. Back to the point. You hungry?"
She nodded.
"Good cause I brought you a roll and some water. But here's the deal you let me get you out of the there. And you can have the food. Alright?"
She nodded.
I reach down and pick up her small frame. She was clutching a small teddy bear. Once she was in my arms I picked her up bridle style. I slid down the side of the wall and reached for the roll. She snuggled into my bodyheat. I smiled.
"Here sky try this." I said handing her the roll. It was still warm. When her teeth sunk into the warm goodness her eyes lit up. She quickly are the rest. I chuckled and handed her the water which she gladly chugged half the bottle.
"Are you still hungry?"
Another nod.
"Alright let's head to where my friends are. They have more rolls. Is that alright." I asked
"Yes mr. Mihno." She said.
"Just call me mihno k?"
"Mihno k I like it" she said smiling jokingly. I laughed. A real honest to goodness laugh. It felt good. I lifted her up and put her softly on the grass while I climbed out. When I got up she lifted her hands up telling me she wanted to be carried. I smiled and did so. Again I picked her up bridle style. and again she snuggled closer to me. "Mihno?"
"Yes peaches?"
"Is that over sized gecko still here?"
I laughed."yes sky." She tensed. "But he's my best friend. He is real nice. I'm sure he was just frightened from seeing you earlier. Actually he's been talking about you." I said
"Really!" She said happy and smiling.
"Really. You've been quite the topic peaches."
We arrived at the door to the homestead.
"Now peaches no screaming be good and stay by me alright?"
She nodded sleepily.
She snuggled closer. I walked in through the door to find immediate silence. I walked over to my friends table my shoes clattering along the way. Eyes following my every movement. Staring at the little bundle in my arms. The teddy bear laying in her arms. I sat down quietly. Newt had a face of pure shock. I laughed. Then the room went back to its busy topics.
"How in the bloody hell are you even near her and she ain't screamin?"
"Simple. She was hungry." I shook her gently stirring her from her very light nap. She sat up in my arms clutching her teddy. Staring at all the faces. I set her down between me and newt.
"Hello mister big gecko!" She said to newt. He laughed.
"Newt call me newt"
"Alright newt. Sry for 'giving you a heart attack'" she said quoting. He smiled. "You gonna eat that roll." She said sweetly. "Nope all yours." Newt said handing her the roll. She ate it too except slowly. She yawned slightly. "Look who needs to sleep." I said. Her smile fell and she said groggily "I don wanna sweep!" "I got an idea. Let's go meet frypan. He can get you a drink that will make you love sleep." I said cheerfully. "Let's go." She jumped up and took my hand. We met up with frypan and said hi finally we got her to her room. Since she was a girl and young we decided to let her have a room. Now here comes the hard part.

Hope you like chap 1 more on the way

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