12. I Wanna Be Like You

Start from the beginning

"Whatever." Zayn rolled his eyes.

Feeling lonely and without his usual fix of Harry, Louis settled for the next best thing. While Zayn stood up and resumed practising, Louis settled for the next best thing, besides the real-Harry, their memories.

Louis hummed, picking up the notebook and flicking through the book until he found the part he was looking for.


They walked around the back of a tree and appeared in a huge clearing, filled with wooden practice dummies and racks of wooden swords, wooden bows and soft arrows, targets and small knives to throw.

"This, is the training grounds." Louis announced, his arms wide as he presented it.

"Woah..." Harry breathed as he looked around. "There's so much stuff..."

Louis shook his head as he laughed. He patted Harry on the back and walked ahead, over to the targets where a few bows and a quiver of arrows were sitting.

Luckily, the grounds were empty, they were the only ones there.

"C'mere." Louis motioned to Harry, who was still standing in the middle of the area, looking around at everything.

"This is so cool!" Harry cheered as he walked over to Louis, eyes sparkling. "Which one do you use?"

"I shoot." Louis answered, leaning down to pick up a bow and slung it over his shoulder. "Bow and arrow."

"Cool." Harry breathed, still smiling as he watched Louis grab an arrow too. "Show me."

"What?" Louis asked as he turned away from the target and started moving back into the middle of the area.

"Show me how you shoot." Harry asked.

Louis took the bow off his shoulder and drew the arrow in one swift movement, letting it go and sending the arrow straight into the middle of the target.

"Woah." Harry whispered as he watched. "Nice job." He nodded as he looked at Louis, impressed.

"Now, what do you want to learn?" Louis asked, putting the bow back on his shoulder and indicating to the arena full of equipment.

"That." Harry was staring at Louis with wide eyes. "I wanna do that."

"Okay." Louis nodded as he smiled back. "But it took me a long time to get that good."

Harry stood still until Louis was next to him, so they could walk over to the bows side by side.

"Well, with you as a teacher," Harry shrugged. "Maybe I'll learn quicker."

Louis smiled and looked down at the ground, blushing at Harry's compliment. It was crazy, the way he was feeling about that boy after only a few days.

"Okay," Louis clapped his hands together. "Grab a bow."

Harry did as he was told and picked one that looked similar to Louis'. Then, he walked back to the mark where Louis was standing next to the quiver of arrows and stood next to him.

"Pick an arrow." Louis instructed, doing the same himself. "Now, hold it like this. And pull the arrow up so you're aiming at the target."

Louis demonstrated, one eye closed as he held the arrow ready to shoot. He stole a glance at Harry, who had his tongue sticking out slightly as he concentrated.

"Here," Louis put his bow and arrow down as he stepped behind Harry. "Like this."

He pressed his chest against the younger boy's back and put his hands over his, making Harry's breath hitch.

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