Chapter 1: Legends Foretold

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Emma’s POV

The warm breeze whispered and hummed as it rustled through the trees. It raked through my dark hair that glittered purple in the sunlight as I trudged through the tall grass, wet leaves slapping me in the face as my stomach growled loudly. I realized how hungry I was with a pang of pain in my stomach and flicked my wrist, my powers flattening the tall grass in front of me.

I crept quietly, looking for something to eat. I spotted an apple tree and reached up and plucked a bright, red apple from the branch above me. I bit into and sighed. It wasn't doing much to ease my hunger. I paused as I spotted a rabbit, about fifteen feet away, eating its food contentedly. It hadn't even noticed me. I took a step toward it, raising a beam of purple energy in my hand.

I threw it at the rabbit, as a knife simultaneously hit the rabbit's neck. I turned to where the knife had come from, a girl standing in the bushes in front and a little to the side of me. Startled, an energy beam appeared in my hand, unbidden. The girl reacted, throwing another knife at me without even seeming to aim and I quickly put up a force field, narrowly protecting myself from the blade.

The girl had light blue eyes and dark hair. She peered at me cautiously. “Who are you?” she demanded. She looked about my age: 15.

“I'm...I'm Emma,” I replied. “Who are you?” I scratched my arm awkwardly, drawing her gaze to it and I immediately stopped, thoughts racing through my mind.

Did she know I was the Darkstalker? Did she see me using my powers?

“Doesn't matter,” she replied, bending to pick up the rabbit and her knives. I didn't move to stop her, though my stomach protested loudly. I took a bite of my apple instead.

I self consciously tucked my left arm behind my back: the one with purple markings that swirl from my ring finger and all the way up my arm, identifying me as the Darkstalker. Well, that along with my purple tinted hair and purple eyes.

Oh gods, she must know… I thought.

I realized I was standing in the sunlight, making my hair shimmer purple so I took a step back into the shadows, causing it to return to a dark brown.

The stranger studied me carefully with her icy blue eyes, making me nervous. “Why are you here?” I changed the subject. “This is my forest.”

The girl scoffed. “Your forest?”

I folded my arms stubbornly. “I've grown up here and everyone stays out, so yes, my forest.”

The girl frowned, studying me again. The way she evaluated my every move and analyzed my every word was unsettling.

“You're the Darkstalker?” she stated rather than asked. I winced at the question.

Could I really deny it? It would be obvious I was lying if I were to say I wasn't. I waited a long moment before answering.

“So what if I am?”

There was a flicker of something in her eyes, but she quickly hid whatever emotion she had shown, almost like it was never there. She didn't answer my question right away, observing me carefully.

Though she didn't show much emotion while talking to me, I was just relieved she didn't run away or try to kill me. No one else had ever given me that chance before. She didn't even look scared.

Eventually she turned away and headed off through the trees. “I don't care who you are as long as you leave me alone,” she called over her shoulder before disappearing entirely into the brush.

I contemplated following her, but stopped. I didn't want to annoy her, so I turned and headed in the opposite direction. Once I was far enough away, I called for my dragon.

“Nova,” I called, whistling. A few moments later, my Night Fury appeared, carrying her hatchling, Echo, by the scruff of the neck in her mouth. “Hey,” I greeted with a smile, stroking my dragon. Echo was a little bit smaller than a Terrible Terror. The hatchling yawned, exposing her velvety pink tongue as she climbed onto my shoulder.

I sat down and leaned against Nova, thinking about the day’s events.

That girl wasn't even afraid… And I'm still hungry. I observed in my mind. I took another bite of my apple. The warm sunshine soaked into me and I closed my eyes. Soon, sleep overtook me.


I woke up a while later and sat up, not sure what had awoken me. The sun had been swallowed up by the horizon, a few stray streaks of violet and blue painting the dark sky. A flash of light in the distance caught my attention. I stood up, careful not to wake up my dragons. The light shone through the trees, the darkness making it easy to follow.

As I neared it, the light disappeared. I wandered out into a clearing, looking around for whatever the light was. I heard a shing sound and put up a force field out of instinct, blocking another knife. In front of me, the girl from earlier relaxed.

“Oh,” she huffed. “It's just you.” The way she said it didn't sound pleased or angry, just a statement.

“What was that light coming from?” I asked after a moment of silence. She didn't answer, but eyed me cautiously again.

“None of your business,” she said finally.

I folded my arms across my chest. “Fine,” I replied. Curiosity stirred in my mind. “Where did you learn to throw like that?” I asked instead, gesturing to the knife she had nearly hit me with.

“That's none of your business either,” she snapped.

“Fine.” I sighed again.

“I thought I told you to leave me alone,” she said, crossing her arms.

“Yeah, well I'm not a very good listener,” I muttered. To be honest, I was just grateful for the company, even if she didn't want me to be there. I wasn't used to being around people.

She glared at me. “Figures,” she said, rolling her eyes as she bent to pick up the knife, sheathing it at her side again as she turned to walk away.

I followed her a few steps, but hesitated. I didn't want to bother her...but at the same time didn't want to be left alone.

“Where are you going?” I asked curiously, catching up with her.

“Somewhere,” she answered simply.

“Do you ever say more than one word at a time?” I mumbled, getting frustrated.

“No,” she said. “Go away.”

“Well, at least that was three…” I laughed nervously. She glared at me.

I huffed. “Fine.” I turned and faced the opposite direction.

The sound of wing beats sounded behind me and I turned again. The girl was gone. I studied the air that she seemed to have just disappeared into for a moment, then turned and walked back toward where I had left my dragons. They were still asleep when I got there, Echo lying under Nova’s leathery wing.

I leaned against Nova again and allowed my eyes to close, quickly falling asleep.

Written by: xoxAnnee

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