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I stormed up to her, grabbing a fist full of hair.

She cried out, desperately trying to fight back. I threw her to the floor, holding my knife to her throat.

Large salty tears poured down her face, useless bargaining. "You thought you could get rid of me?" I snickered, pressing the knife harder into her throat.

Killing her would be to easy, ...painless.

Quick thinking, I pulled her to her feet. "You're coming with me" I spat, she squeaked as I tightly grasped her by the wrist, pulling her out of the now blood splattered home.

Sirens were tinkling in the distance, I growled letting go of her wrist and picking up a rock. I smashed it through a car window, crying out in horror as glass pierced my hand. "You drive!" I exclaimed, getting in the car quickly.

Luna nodded and climbed in, just when the cops were about to reach us, she sped off. 


"W-where are we going?" Luna whispered.

We had been driving for hours, finally when a tiny house came into view. My home.

In the middle of no where, it was built by hand. "Stop here." I ordered. Luna obeyed, and stopped the car in front of the house.

"Get out of the fucking car," I demanded, Luna quickly unlocked the door and climbed out. I followed behind her, pushing her into the house. 


The house was un-kept, clothes scrawled everywhere. An old television sat in the middle of the room, Jeff stormed off into the bathroom, before entering, "Don't fucking go into my room, take the damn couch" 

Jeff disappeared into the bathroom, I could hear grumbles and cries of pain, I reluctantly sat down on the couch. I looked over at the door to the bathroom, and I could tell he wasn't going to be out soon.

I quietly sat up from the couch, and started towards the stairs. Walking up them, I slowly opened the door to his room. Looking in, when I heard the bathroom door open.

My eyes widened, I bolted down the stairs and sat on the couch, just in time Jeff was closing the door to the bathroom and coming back.

I took a deep breath, "Why haven't you killed me yet?" Jeff stopped, and turned to me. "You'll know soon" Jeff answered, sitting on the couch. His greasy matted black hair strung around his head like a mop. 


I glanced over at Luna, I couldn't help but feel some compassion for her--Wait, what? I'm a fucking killer! what the fuck is wrong with me.

I had killed tons of people, begging on their knees for mercy. Cursing me to hell, banishing me there. Why do I all the sudden feel compassion for some girl.

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