Fifteen - Perfume

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Fifteen – Perfume

I constantly tried to tell myself that I wasn't on cloud nine. Maybe I could consider cloud seven...? No, too close. Cloud five...? Four? Two? Well, all of that didn't necessarily matter because I couldn't stop giggling to myself for some reason and this wasn't me. And it pained me more because of who I kept giggling about.

And as I noticed my sister giving me not-so-subtle worried glances from where she sat across from me, I couldn't blame her – I had been constantly laughing like a crazy person on weed.

She finally sighed, coming to sit beside me. "Adrianna, honey I know me leaving you to stay on your own isn't really parental wise, but I'm kind of worried about you at the moment."

I looked at her, laughing randomly. "What about?"

She opened and closed her mouth like she was confused. "I mean, think about it. You made us watch The Notebook thrice today, then you said you weren't really interested in chick-lit movies 'cause you felt like watching The Notebook all over again – I mean think about it, who the hell watches that movie three times in a row?"

I shrugged, "It's no biggie,"

"It is a biggie!" she screamed in frustration. "Okay, tell me what's wrong before I go crazy. Did you get laid or something?"

I paused mid-air and blinked, before popping the popcorn into my mouth. My sister gasped dramatically when I didn't respond to her question.

"Oh my God Dee, don't tell me you had –"

"Please!" I cut her off, "Nobody's been having random sex." Even though I couldn't clearly say what me and Aiden had done had been 'sex', it'd been pretty intimate – especially considering me and how inexperienced I was. I also – regretfully – couldn't say that we were in a relationship either, because immediately after he'd made me feel like I was a burning house, I'd ran out of his house faster than an actual fire once extinguished. You could clearly see that my brain was still mushed because lately all I did was ramble nonsense and giggle like a giddy child at a candy store.

My sister's excited voice brought me back to reality, "Oh my... have you been hitting it with that cute boy that lives across the hall?"

My eyes nearly popped out of my head as I turned to stare at her. "What—wait, how?"

She pointed at my phone that showed the same excited text from Doris who'd been bugging me ever since I told her about it. Oh.

"Shit Adrianna!" she giggled like I'd been doing. "I'm so proud of you... I thought it'd be Trent but who cares right? That Aiden kid is way cuter."

I almost rolled my eyes – that's what they all said. Instead of replying to my sister, I turned away from her, pretending I couldn't understand what she was saying and stuffed popcorn into my mouth.

She laughed, "Oh, you can avoid the subject all you want but I'm not backing down." She pointed her index finger at me, winking childishly. "So tell me, when did it all start?"


Cold Sundays meant movie night. It was quickly drawing to winter and that meant colder nights and more mid-terms at school. And even though there'd always been occasional rain once in a while, the rain had always brought unbearable cold if not anything else. So firmly wrapped in my bear suit onesie, the hood over my head, I picked out the collection from that night.

Doris usually watched with me through FaceTime or Skype because she was too much of wimp to ask her parents if she could come over and spend the night, and I couldn't blame her too, her parents were scary as hell – not to mention her noisy siblings, but I didn't mind as long as I heard her voice commenting and criticizing every two minutes.

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