Three - Lip-Gloss

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Three – Lip-gloss

"You need to stop this Garrett. I will not stand here and watch you act like a freaking piece of bullshit." My mom shouted angrily at my father. "Every day you come home looking like fucking shit, what the hell is your problem?!"

My dad only ignored and blew out a puff of smoke lazily. "Lower your damn voice woman! The kids can hear you—I'm even sure the whole neighbourhood can." He finished with a snort.

You could practically see the smoke coming out from my mother's ears. I scooted behind the door and slid down to the ground, shutting my eyes tightly and covering my ears.

My mom shouted a thousand and one cuss words that shouldn't be heard and known by a ten year old and started throwing things at him. Riley came and picked me up and led me to the room—holding me tightly against her lean frame, just so I could be safe and not hear anything that was happening.

But I heard it. I heard when my dad told my mom that he wasn't going to stay here and take her crap and deal with her little monsters. I heard when he slammed the door loudly. I heard when he left.


It was Saturday. And on Saturdays, I kind of had a routine—I worked two hours at the diner, I spring-cleaned my apartment, I visited Riley and we watched a chick-lit and romance filled movie.

I threw my clothes into the washing machine and set it stop on its own when it was finished washing before running to my room and hurriedly throwing on a floral short and plain white shirt. Everything had not gone according to routine and now I was as late as hell. If Hans didn't fire me; I'd be the luckiest person on earth. I decided I was going to do my spring cleaning later and ran out the door.

I tapped my foot impatiently against the hardwood floor as I waited for the elevator. I pressed the button and waited more. Who the hell was this person and why wasn't he coming out. The elevator finally opened and I scoffed.

Aiden Idiot Pine. I pushed him out of the elevator and walked inside in a hurry; pressing the ground floor button. But his hand shot out and blocked the door. What the hell did he want?

I glared at him but he returned it with a smirk and walked into the elevator again before pressing the ground floor button again. After shooting him a thousand glares – which he all replied with that stupid lopsided smirk – I decided to ignore him and pretend he wasn't standing there. I had bigger problems—Hans—to worry about.

"You know," well he wasn't going to ignore me was he? "I went to a party last night."

Like who gives a fuck? I scoffed and ignored him—focusing my gaze on the wall in front of me.

"I don't really like college parties you know? When I was in high school, I went to parties all the time, but college I wasn't really feeling it." Why was the freaking elevator so fucking slow? And whenever were high school parties ever better than college parties?

"So I get really, really drunk and then we kinda played this game where we had to ride a mechanical bull and –"

"Where the hell is this leading to Aiden?" I cringed and cut him off. "I didn't ask you what you were doing last night."

He chuckled and shrugged. "I don't know I just wanted to tell you, plus you look really good today Adrian." His blue eyes scanned me and I felt shivers all over. "Nice legs,"

I scoffed and pressed the button harder—why the hell hadn't we reached the ground yet? Aiden was a pervert and an idiot – God knows what he was thinking right now.

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