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Sometimes I sit in my room wondering what's wrong with me? What have I done to deserve this? Or Maybe why can't I be normal just like everyone else?

Why is the darkness trying to consume me? Where has my control gone, why can't the voices let me be?

There are so many questions that need or I want to be answered. Many I've tried to answer on my own which only leads to me having more questions. I want to stop trying, but only because I know that all questions don't supply answers. I have no one here to help me get though this its only me. I just don't know if I'll be able to continue living like this, not having someone there for me when the voices wont let me sleep or when I feel like all the air is being sucked right out of me. I go day by day feeling as if the world is against me, like every living thing is here just to down me.

I dont want to continue my life like this... I want to give up, but I cant cause that would mean I let the darkness win and I cant let that happen.

Hope it was good enough...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2016 ⏰

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