Chapter 12

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A smile crossed Gerard's face when he stepped into the room and saw me there.
"Frankie!!" He hugged me. "Congratulations, how are you doing out of prison?"
"Not really good, I need a new job but I can't find it. Also, I feel lonely. I miss being with you 24/7"
"I miss you too. And don't worry, I'm sure everything will be okay." He kissed me. It was the first time he didn't do it in secret.
"Wow, are we official now?" I joked and he laughed. "Do you have a new cellmate?" He shook his head.
"Frank, I gotta tell you something..." He actually looked like he didn't wanna talk about it.
"What's wrong?"
"Remember I told you I'd give you some explanations when you were out?"
"Oh, yeah, right..." To be honest I wasn't ready to hear whatever he was about to confess. I loved him, and I was scared he would make me hate him or be afraid of him. After all, he was a killer.
"Do you want to hear the truth now?" He looked at the floor, uncomfortable.
"Yeah..." I lied.
"Okay so..." He sighed. "There are two bad things I've done and I think you should know since we're dating. I'm gonna start with the one that is probably less painful for you. And if after this confession you don't wanna see me anymore, feel free to tell me before you leave me forever. If it makes you feel safe, I won't hurt you, there are police officers over here and if I ever got out I wouldn't hurt you either because I don't know where you live."
"Gerard, you're scaring me..."
"You know I killed someone..." I nodded. "But you don't know who that someone was."
"I think you told me-"
"I lied. The wedding story was true, though. My brother's fiancé had cheated on him. Well... The person I actually killed was that man she left my brother for."
"You did what?!" I almost screamed.
"I told you I was on drugs. I didn't attend the wedding, the next day I was told what happened and I decided to take revenge. And well I guess you wouldn't like to know the process of the murderer..."
Even though I already knew he was a killer, his confession made me feel scared of him once again. Revenge. And it was something that had nothing to do with him, it was about his brother, someone with who he didn't even get along .
"So that is the reason why Mikey hates you so much, I guess."
"It took him a lot but he ended up forgiving me, on his own way." (A/N: See what I did there?;) )
"It must have been really hard for him... You told me there were two things right?" If the second one was gonna be worse than that according to him, I didn't know what to expect.
"Are you sure you wanna know it now?" I nodded. "God, you're gonna be so mad at me..." He sighed. "Well, I arrived to prison and they put me in a cell with someone else. Unlike you, my cellmate was a dick. He was mean as fuck and I just couldn't stand him. At first I tried to ignore him, but he kept bothering me and... Frank, you're gonna regret hearing this, I'm really sorry for what I did, believe me, I also have feelings and I still get nightmares of all those people I've hurt and-"
"What did you do, Gerard?"
"I took advantage of him sleeping and beat him... Almost to death. I didn't really kill him, I just put him in a comma. I don't know what happened to him but now that I'm conscious I really hope-"
"You almost killed your cellmate just because he was annoying?? You couldn't just tell an officer, you had to fucking beat him??" I couldn't believe I had been sharing a cell with someone who nearly murdered his old cellmate and probably wouldn't have minded doing it again. "So what if you didn't like me? Would you have killed me as well?"
"Frank, listen to me, I am okay now, when that happened I was still recovering and that shit is fucking hard, and when there's a man who doesn't stop bullying you, it is even harder. They didn't assign me a new cellmate until I was fully recovered and that's when I met you and I started feeling actually okay."
"I think I need to go home..."
"I'm really sorry, I really am. But I've changed and you know that, I've never ever hurt you and I never will. Can you at least give me one more hug before you leave, in case you don't wanna come again?" I looked at him with his arms opened, but I didn't see the man I loved. I saw a killer who wanted to wrap the same arms he had used to hurt those people around my neck, trying to harm me as well.
"I need some time to be alone." And I walked away.

(A/N: Well well well, this was such an intense chapter, right? I've been feeling quite inspired lately so I have already written a few more chapters but you'll have to wait because I still have to fix some things. I hope you're enjoying the story and thank you so much for 50 votes, wow <3)

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