Chap.2- Friday

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I woke up early this morning so I could do my homework that I had forgotten to do last night. As I rubbed the sleep from my eyes I heard I knocking at my bedroom window. I froze but then I realised that it probably was only the trees outside. I walked over to my desk and sat on my pink chair and pulled out a pen to start my homework. ‘Tap tap tap’ I stood up slowly “Nobody can knock on my window, I’m on the second storey” I thought aloud. I grabbed the corner of my curtain and pulled it aside. I swear I saw a glimpse of what I thought was a person, but it was probably just my imagination. I glanced further beyond the trees and saw that it was going to be another gloomy rainy day as the clouds were dark overhead.

I got ready for school said goodbye to my mum and left for school. It was just starting to rain as I stepped on the bus and found Jess sitting at the back as usual.

“Hey” Jess greeted me with her usual cheerful smile.

“Hey, um, I was wondering do you want to come to my house tomorrow night, my mum and dad are going to an exhibition for the weekend?” I asked

“Sure I’d love to…can we watch scary movies!?” Jess asked excitedly.

“Of course!” I laughed.

We talked about scary movies the whole ride to school, and then went our separate ways to our classes. As I walked past the school car park I saw a young woman, who had her flaming red hair pulled tightly into a bun and as I watched her, her lips moved into a smile, a creepy smile. I quickly turned my head and started to jog towards my classroom. It was probably just one of my creepy, weird teachers I had in year seven…I hoped.

As the day ended I made my way home and plonked myself onto my couch and wrapped a fluffy blanket around me. Mum and Dad had already left for the exhibition and I was left at home. Jess would be coming tomorrow night, I couldn’t wait! As I sat on my black leather couch I began to wonder who the lady was in the car park, but as I thought I struggled to keep my consciousness and eventually fell asleep.

Home Alone- (Updated version)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя