Leaving the castle

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second chapter! :P

on the side is of how Hailey looks and is wearing



I sighed then grabbed a piece of paper from my desk and a pen and started to write.

Dear Mother and Father

I’m leaving to go and have some time off. The arranged marriage was the last straw for me. I feel betrayed and hurt that you have done this to me. I feel like we don’t have trust towards each other. I don’t know when I’ll come back but I eventually will. Please do not try to find me because I’ll refuse to come back. Sorry I had to leave and I'm also sorry because I’m not going to marry Prince Alexander.               Goodbye for now.

Love truly

Angela xoxo

P.S Hailey is accompanying me. Please inform her parents that she is in good hands and will also be back.

Chapter 2

I finished writing my letter then placed it on top of my bed. I then slowly walked towards my door. I opened it then was about to close it when I realised I left my magic book under my pillow. I reopened the half closed door and ran towards my bed. I grabbed the book from under the pillow and ran out my door. I ran down the flights of stairs and noticed that it was very sunny outside. It looked like a happy day which it wasn’t. So I changed the weather to raining to suit my mood right now.

I finally entered the basement and found Hailey sitting in my favourite electric blue car that is the fastest out of all my cars. Hailey was also moving her head back and forth in beat to the music playing in the car. I opened the boot of my car and chucked my suit cases in. I then closed my boot and started walking towards the driver’s seat while shoving the book into my shoulder bag. I opened my door and hopped in.

“So off we go!” Hailey shouted as we exited out of the basement car door. I laughed at her excitement. “You sure you still want to do this because it’s alright if you don’t” I told her. “I'm absolutely am not going back without you. It’s not what 1 hour best friends do” she said happily. I just laughed some more and turned up the music.

6 hours later.......

“Angela I think I should drive because you’ve been driving for 6 hours nonstop” Hailey said. I just sighed knowing she was right. “Alright but when its lunch time I'm taking over again alright” I said sternly. “Alright! Alright! But were having breakfast first okay. Turn left for McDonalds, PLEASE!!” she shouted like a 6 year on Christmas. I just chuckled at her. I turned left for McDonalds and we went through drive through and ordered our breakfast.

“Mmm... I'm full, okay my turn to drive!” Hailey exclaimed. I parked on the side of the road and we swooped places. “Okay I’m gonna sleep, just follow the GPS the whole way through alright?” I asked. “Yes, I know now go to sleep!” Hailey commanded me. I just sighed and rested my head on my seat. The moment my head touched the seat I fell into a important dream.


“Angela you made the right choice in leaving my dear” one of the water elements said to me. I just nodded my head at her. “You have been destined to leave that place for quite a while now, but better late than never” an earth elemental said. “What do you mean destined?” I asked suspiciously. “all in good time my dear, but before you leave remember this. Keep your powers a secret the ones that could find out on this journey could be bad to everyone not just you. You can trust Hailey as for she is your guardian angel who is an earth elemental. Make sure you keep this a secret Angela. What lies ahead can be dangerous...” a fire elemental said.

~End of Dream~

I suddenly woke up as Hailey parked into another McDonald’s parking lot. I looked at her and then said “When were you gonna tell me you were my guardian angel and can control Earth?” I asked her in a polite voice. “W-what? How did y-you know?” she asked stuttering and looking around nervously. “It’s alright Hailey the elders told me in my dream” I informed her. “Oh okay” she said. A minute past and we were still in the car in silence. “are you angry at me?” Hailey asked worriedly. “No, I'm not it’s just now there are guardian angels. I thought there were only elementals” I said and sighed. This whole thing is becoming more complicated for me.

“It’s alright there are only elementals and guardian angels” Hailey informed me. “Oh THANK GOD!” I exclaimed loudly. I heard Hailey laughing besides me so I stopped and said “Are you hungry again?” “Yes” she said sheepishly. I just shook my head and told Hailey to go through Drive Through. We both ordered our meals again and we swopped places and continued to drive to my grandma’s house while we talked about our lives and abilities.

6:30pm (later in the day)

We finally entered my grandma’s area where she lives. “Oh my Goodness! Look at the fashion everyone where’s here its like there living in the olden days!” Hailey exclaimed. “Oh my goodness your right! Wow we are gonna stand out aren’t we?” I asked. “Your right! Can you imagine their faces when they see our clothes?” Hailey said. I just shook my head and continued driving while looking at what everyone was wearing. They weren’t really in olden day clothes they were just in last season’s clothes unlike my people we have all the fashions up to date because I'm the princess yeah yeah...

“Okay the house number is 3, I think” I said unsure. “Okay we’ll look for that number” Hailey said. “There it is!” Hailey shouted a little to loud for my liking. “Hay! I'm gonna become death if you shout like that when I'm right beside you” I scolded. “Sorry Angie” she said sheepishly. “Its alright just don’t do it again” I warned. I parked my car in the driveway of number 3’s house. We both got out and walked towards the door. ‘knock knock’ was the sound the door made as I knocked on it. Hailey let out a surprised giggle. “What? Its just normal doors make other noises but this one made the actual sound ‘knock knock’” she explained.

I just shook my head for the about hundredth time today. ‘Click Click’ was heard which was the sound of unlocking locks. Someone opened the door and revealed who it was. “GRANDMA!” I screamed. I then rushed over to hear and pulled her into a bear hug. “Angela?” she asked. I let go of her and looked at her and noticed that she looks older. “Yep its me!” I said happily. “oh dear your here! Come in! Come in!” she practically pulled Hailey and I in.


so here;s chapter 2! hope you enjoy




Jaimii <3

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