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So this is my new fic, I hope you guys enjoy. Updates will be less frequent however as I plan to finish all my other fics first before focusing on this one.

Anyways, enjoy! :) X


"Ugh El, what have you done now?" I sigh heavily as she looks at me with a large grin on her face, as I shut the door of my locker.

"Oh Louis whatever do you mean?" Her grin widening as I shake my head at her. "Fine you've ruined my surprise for you now." She rolls her eyes fondly at me as we walk down the corridor.

"What surprise are you on about?" I ask, pouting at her.

"Guess who's got meet and greet tickets for One Direction." She laughs loudly as I turn to stare at her, mouth ajar before I start squealing, causing people to turn around and look at us weirdly. I blush as they stare at us but I can't help but smile widely, cheeks hurting as I grab her arm.

"Are you being serious?"

"Of course I am, my cousin knows someone so I managed to get two tickets for us." She smiles softly at me and links our arms together as we walk out the schools front doors.

You see Eleanor's family is rich and knows a lot of people. She's outgoing, pretty and has a body to die for. While I'm completely the opposite. I'm not very outgoing, some people say I'm socially awkward, I wouldn't totally disagree. I just like to keep to myself and curl up and read a book on a Saturday night, rather than going out to parties, drinking and taking drugs. It's just not my thing.

I guess I'm quite shy and I'm very insecure about my body, I haven't told anybody this, not even El. I'm scared of what people are going to say if they found out a seventeen year old boy hates his own body.

"Louissss." Eleanor says loudly, distracting me from my train of thoughts.

"Huh?" I ask confused, looking around to realise we're by her car. "What did you say sorry?"

"I said that the concert is this Friday." She rolls her eyes as I gasp.

"WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME SOONER!" I shout exasperated, the concert is in two days! I can't look like a scruff meeting the hottest band of all time. "I've got nothing to wear." I mutter sourly at her.

"Oh stop your whining Lewis, we're going to the shopping centre to get an outfit for you." She says as she pulls into the parking lot.

"Eleanor wait I don't have any money on me."

"Its okay Lou, my treat alright?" She says softly, linking our arms together as we head to topshop.

"I'll pay you back." I mumble quietly to her, she knows that my family don't exactly have a lot of money and what ever money we do have is usually used for food and bills, so I don't have a lot of expensive belongings.

"No you won't." She says firmly, pulling out a pair of super tight high waisted skinny jeans.

"El these are for girls." I squeak out, blushing at the thought.

"Please you'd look great in them, they'll emphasise your bum even more. Maybe then Harry will notice you." She gives me a filthy smirk and continues looking through the rack of clothing. I blush at the thought of Harry staring at me in such a way.

Okay so I might have a major crush on the alpha. But c'mon who wouldn't? His luscious plump pink lips, his unruly curly hair, his strong jawline, his tattoos, the bulging muscles under his shirt, oh god I've got to stop or I'm going to start leaking slick in the middle of the shop.

Eleanor walks back over to me, with a large stack of tops in her hand.

"Here go try these on for me." She demands placing them in my arms before pointing towards the changing rooms. I follow her wish and make my way into the small room. I pull of my shirt, avoiding the reflection of my naked chest, and pull on the first shirt.

"Lou have you tried the first one on yet?" She calls out from behind the curtain, I roll my eyes and walk out, arms crossing over my stomach. "Oh Lou it's perfect," she claps her hands together, "that's definitely an option." I sigh in annoyance and make my way back into the room. It's not too bad I guess, but it does stick to my frame a bit, that's why I don't like it.

It goes like that for the next fifteen minutes, me walking out to her gushing over every outfit she's picked out for me.

"Okay Lou, so for the concert I reckon you should wear the high waisted skinny jeans and that maroon jumper that shoved of your killer curves and collarbones." She says as we walk out the shop, hands full of shopping bags.

"Do I have to?" I whine, slumping down in my seat as she drives me home.

"Yes it makes you look hot, so shut up." She replies, pulling up into my driveway. "Right I'll see you at school tomorrow." She says sweetly, passing me the bag full of my new clothes.

"By El." I mutter, giving her a one armed hug before getting out the car and walking up to the front door.

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