Chapter 1: A day in the life

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Beep... beep... beep
Beep... beep... buzz!

I'm shaken back to reality by the sound of the high pitched alarm clock ,screaming at me to wake.


In my sleep deprived state, with an extremely heavy heart ,I search for the blasted contraption and slam the snooze button, for a quick five minute snooze

... maybe ?

Yes, that sounds good.

"Mia Eon Robins! "


So, if I wasn't awake before ,I sure as hell am now.

"Mia get out of bed right now! Your going to be late for school... Mia!" The all too familiar feminine voice from outside my door yells at me through my door, effectively erasing any hopes of a little snooze.

"Mom! I heard you the first time thanks.!" My raspy response doesn't go unheard , mom's fading footsteps signal her retreat.

I just detest waking up after a night of less that ideal rest , why can't it be Friday already?

Arg... school

I'm not bad at it. I mean , my grades are pretty good. For an A student. However ,life is just so heavy right now.

I wish I could escape somehow , or something interesting would just happen to me because each day just melts and blends into the next, everything is so redundant it's tiring .

The river of time is vast and never ending .

Like usual ,on a Thursday morning, I arrive at school an hour late ,mainly because my first period is a free . I took the much appreciated extra time to take a proper deserved shower and actually have breakfast with mommy dearest ,which was strange because she kept nagging me about the odd dreams I have been having of late.

She just won't let it go.

It's almost as if she is trying to fish information from me because she knows something I don't...

Nah, impossible.

"Mia ,baby!" A thick cockny accent snaps me out on my thoughts as the male approaches me with a little too much pep in his step.

Oh gods no. I don't need this. Not right now.

"Hey what's good Ma? Where have you been hiding ,Why don't you answer any of my calls? " He eggs on, my silence doesnt seem to be unnearving him ,he clearly came here with a mission he doesn't Intend on failing.

Each word that leaves his mouth is grating my will to live ,into a well ground pulp.

Can someone just shoot me ,like right now, please?

"Hello Ryan ,I was busy. Like you ,I am a student after all. I don't have time to be answering your endless calls. " I manage to mumble as calmly as possible without making a face of disgust at the boy ,even though he very well deserves it.

My word, he is so irritating , so before anything else happens I try to redirect my increasing frustration with the content of my locker, shuffling things into and from my bag whilst silently praying that Ryan leaves me alone.

Solution? I decide to zone him out .

"Mia ,why the cold shoulder ?" He presses , the silent treatment isn't working with him. I'm beginning to feel annoyed, his voice is killing me and I can't stand his presence.


I'd recognise that scent anywhere. Cedarwood with a hint of Rose , It's him ...

It's like we're telepathically linked because when I tilt my head to the side right on cue, he places his lips on my neck while he snakes his arm around my waist and pulls me back towards him. He inhales deeply taking in my own scent and then exhales , making that lovely low hum from within his chest, that I adore so much. I start to giggle as his breath brushes my neck

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