We entered the kitchen where Anne sat in her work clothes already drinking from her "best mum" mug. "I made you both a coffee and the bowls and spoons are out for your breakfast" she smiled and Harry and I nodded at her. We walked over to pour some cereal into the bowls along with some milk before we sat at the breakfast bar in front of Anne. We quietly feasted on our breakfast and drank our drinks. The odd bit of small talk here and there.

"Emily love, come here" she held out her hand which I gladly took, glancing at Harry who just shrugged before following behind us suit. "I'll go sort out our bags" he offered and I nodded as he ran up the stairs missing 2 everytime he went up. "How bout I conceal some of those bruises for you" I nodded thankfully as she pulled some make up from her hand bag. "How're you and Robin" I asked knowing the only thing she had on her mind was how I got so many bruises. "We are fine, he his on a trip with business and should be home tomorrow evening" she smiled widely thinking about her husband. It didn't take her long to hide the dark circles on my face before allowing me to go upstairs and finish getting ready.

I walked into Harry's bathroom to see him brushing his teeth and I curtly joined him using the spare toothbrush I used to leave here. "I shlought aboust scool" Harry tried to speak while his mouth was full of the foamy white toothpaste making me giggle before spitting mine out in the sink with him following. "What?" I asked before wiping my mouth with the towel and handing it to him to do the same. "I thought about school - if anyone touches you they get it, it's me and you now" I relaxed slightly knowing Harry meant every word now, but I couldn't be 100% sure unless I saw it before my own eyes. My phone buzzed on Harry's drawers and I walked out to see it was 8:00am so we had to leave. I opened the text seeing it was from Liam.

"Need picking up love?xx"

"No, I am with Harry, see you at schoolxx"

I grabbed my bag, stuffing the phone into the front pocket and I turned around to see Harry with his bag hung off his shoulder and his car keys at hand. "Ready?" He smiled and I nodded, lacing my hand with his, we walked down the stairs calling out goodbye to his mum before getting into his car. His music began blasting making my clutch my ears before reaching over to turn it down. "What the fuck Harry" I gripped my chest from the shock and he let out a low chuckle as he pulled out of his driveway. "Sorry" he smiled before he left one hand at 2 on the wheel and his other hand rested on my thigh. I watched him as he kept his eyes on the road. The way his green eyes scanned the streets and he mindlessly clenched and unclenched his jaw, the way his muscles moved against his shirt as he moved the wheel and changed gears. "Take a picture it'll last longer" he smirked and I rolled my eyes. "Gladly, I'll post it to my Instagram and Twitter and make everybody jealous that I have such an amazing, hot boyfriend" I smirked back and Crimson flushed his cheeks lightly.

We pulled up to school, parking in his familiar spot. I grabbed my bag and cautiously got out, glancing at some of the students who were just walking into the gates. Me getting out of the Harry Styles' car was a shock to their system but Harry wanted to make it obvious. He walked around his car to me and interlocked our hands and I looked down seeing people stare. His finger lightly went under my chin and he lifted my eyes to meet his gorgeous jade ones. "Let them stare baby. I love you" he warmly smiled reassuring me. "I love you too" he bent his neck down to allow our lips to meet in a small kiss.

We walked through the school doors, all eyes boring into our bodies. Harry squeezed my hand and I squeezed back and we both walked through the centre of the corridor to my locker. I carefully put my combination in before voices boomed down the corridor.

"Yo Harry!" Jakes deep voice echoed and the mutters of his gang followed behind as they headed in our direction. Harry let go of my hand suddenly and I suddenly became scared he was going to break a promise again. I took a deep breath and spun around to meet many pairs of eyes on me, Harry still close beside me. "Oi Floozy? Didn't I tell you to go die somewhere" Jake spat and I saw Harry's muscles clench as he stepped in front of me. "Leave her alone man" he blurted out making my eyes widened and I saw Jake and his friends were as shocked as me. "Funny joke lad, now come on, let's teach her a lesson" Robin stepped forward to be then roughly pushed back by a furious Harry. "Dude, what are you doing" Jake pulled Harry to the side and his hand flew up to connect with my already aching cheek but I felt no sting, my eyes squinted open and before I knew it Harry had Jake on the ground shouting into his face.

"I told you, don't touch her" he growled, "what's gotten into you Styles" he asked wide eyed. Harry had always been the stronger of the group and I knew they would all cower away which they did, leaving Jake struggling below him. "I love her, she's my best friend and girlfriend and I am not hurting or losing her again, got it?" He spat and Jake nodded slowly before Harry stood up. The boys brushed themselves off awkwardly before nodding at me and taking off into the other direction. The whole school staring shocked before turning round after seeing Harry's scowling face.

He stared off into the direction Jake and the other guys ran but as I slowly gripped his hand, his face softened and he looked down at me smiling. "I love you" he stated, "and I love you" I grinned before he pulled me into his side. "But please don't get hurt over me" I pleaded and he nodded, "I'll just fight for you babe" he cheekily added making me roll my eyes.

"Yo Em!" I heard the voice of my best friend call out, with my other friend attached to his hand as they walked down the corridor as a new couple. "Hey" I smiled. "Harry, man that was good, I'm starting to like you" Liam smirked smacking Harry's back approvingly. "So you two are together" Anna asked glancing between the brown haired boy and I. "Yup" Harry answered gripping my waist and I smiled, finally able to have that title. "Cute, we can be the school's power couples" Liam chuckled making us all laugh. "Yes we can" Harry answered smiling lovingly at me. "You guys are weird" I spoke up making Anna chuckle. "I agree with Em" we both pulled away from our boyfriends to be soon pulled back again both of us rolling our eyes in sync.

A/N this was a long one! Sadly this book is coming to an end!!But my other book will be a lot longer so go check out my other book!! It's only got one part ❤️
I love you all - Katie

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