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I pulled back slightly, as my eyebrows pulled together in confusion. What did he mean? I sucked in a sharp breath as Harry lowered his head so his olive eyes were level with mine.

He took a sharp intake of breath before slowly releasing it; the minty smell flooding my senses until he finally spoke.

"That was the other reason why I hurt you, hoping it would push a way the strong feelings I had grown for you, but as you can see it never worked - and during that I lost you - but the thing is Em, I am deeply in love with you" he muttered before releasing a shaky breath. I stared into his eyes, glimmers of adoration and love proved his point. I didn't know what to say or how to say it.

The silence must have worried him and his head dropped, his gaze held at the floor. That was until my thumb and fore-finger lifted his chin - his soft eyes meeting mine once again in a warm gaze.

"Harry, you never lost me, I mean yeah you hurt me, but I couldn't exactly get rid of my feelings either-" his eyes widened as my words calmly flowed out my mouth. "And the thing is... I am madly in love with you as well" a gentle smile curled onto my face and before I knew it, my hands had dropped to his hips and his pulled my face closer to his lips to envelope mine is a kiss full of love and passion - one I have never shared with anyone.

I don't know how long we were kissing, but a shadow standing outside my window tore my gaze from Harry and I glimpsed at the door and to my embarrassment my mum stood there, a smirk playing on her lips and her hands laced together in awe.

"Oh my god" Harry looked in the direction I was and suddenly we were both as red as tomatoes as we stepped to the side to let my mum in.

"I was coming to let you know, you could go home and that I would take you but it seems like you already have a ride" I looked down as Harry's fingers laced with mine, his thumb gently caressing the back of my hand. "I promise I'll get her home safely" Harry smiled causing my mother to look like she was about to melt at the sweetness. "I had no doubt you wouldn't Harry - I'll see you at home love" my mum waved before rushing off once again.

Harry helped me pack all my stuff that had been brought to me. I slung the gym bag over my shoulder for it to be then dragged off once again. I rolled my eyes as Harry winked throwing it over his shoulder instead.

"You first m'lady" he smirked as I passed him out the door. "Calm down Styles" I mocked before his hand laced with mine once again - sending a warm shiver up my arm for it to then erupt around my body. I smiled up at him. At my best friend? Was he my best friend? Or my boyfriend? What are we?

I decided to give us some time seen as we only just admitted our feelings. I climbed into the passenger seat of his car before he turned on the engine and began driving in the direction of home. I sang to any song that came on the radio. Getting bored while I study meant I had time to listen to the radio in the background, each and every lyric getting stuck in my head. Mental note to not listen to music and maybe instead of lyrics some algebra formulas will stick in my head.

"Em" I hummed, turning to look at Harry. "Is your dad home" he asked worriedly. I totally forgot about my dad. I wonder what he knows...

"I-I don't know.. I guess I'll wait and see" I mumbled my throat turning dry. "You can come stay at mine if you want my mum won't mind-" I rested my hand on his thigh to calm him down and it seemed to work. "Haz, I can't leave my mum on her own. I promise to call you if anything happens okay" I made him a promise I know I wouldn't break. "Okay, I'll be your hero if he does anything" Harry said holding a hand to his chest like he is making a pledge to me. "Thanks Babe" I giggled before turning to stare out of my window again.

We pulled up to my house. The mahogany door staring me down and I gulp worriedly; not knowing what to expect once I enter hell.

"Ring me, okay?" Harry pleaded as he grabbed my waist pulling me towards him. "I will okay" I stood on my tip toes leaning up before kissing the corner of his mouth. I landed back on my feet but I looked up at Harry who didn't look that satisfied. I giggled rolling my eyes before pushing myself up using his shoulder and kissing him a lot more passionately- earning a throaty, satisfied moan.

I pulled away, before wiggling my fingers and saying goodbye. I stood at my door as he pulled out of the driveway. Glancing at me unsure before putting his foot down and racing down the street. I sighed before slipping out my key and unlocking the heavy door.

My eyes widened at how unclean the place looked.

"April" a deep, groggy voice echoed through the hall and the slapping of bare feet travelled in my direction. "No dad, it's me" I answered nervously before his gaze landed on my weak figure. "Where the fuck have you been?" He growled angrily as he quickly stepped towards me making me flinch.

Lord give me strength...

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