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I woke up, a sharp shooing pain in my shoulder making me grimace before I sat up rubbing my eyes.

"Morning Em" I heard my mother whisper as she walked in the room, "morning" I smiled weakly at her, "thanks for last night" she nodded smiling, "I'm your mum, it's my job, I just wish I did better at it" she frowned before smiling again. "Anyway, your dad won't be home until 6 tonight and I will be home until you get home from school before having to do an evening shift at the hospital" I nodded slightly relieved I won't have to deal with my dad.

She left me to get ready, which I did. Hopping in the shower and washing my wavy brown hair, mindfully washing my body not to put to much pressure on my bruises and the cuts on my shoulder. I got out, drying my hair while eating my waffles for breakfast. I left my hair to fall in it's natural wavy state down my back before seeing the nice weather outside. I got out a skater skirt and a white long sleeved shirt that tucks tightly into my skirt. I put my combat boots on before a touch of make up and brushing my teeth.

I ran downstairs grabbing my bag and about to walk out the door to catch the bus when my mum whistled. I spun around seeing her holding my beloved car keys making me squeal and run to hug her. "Thank you" I grinned gently taking the keys before running out to my car. I took a seat on the leather, running my hands on the wheel missing driving my fiat. I turned on the radio, The 1975 coming on almost immediately. My morning was going well...

That was until I walked into the building I call hell.

I shoved through the crowd, loud shouting heard making my eye brows furrow as everyone gathered around something going on. I tried to push through to my locker when I heard his voice. Liam.

I immediately squeezed back into the crowd pushing my way to the centre, no one really paying attention to me. I made it to the front of the crowd seeing Robin and Jake in front of Liam who had pushed Anna behind him, tears falling down her cheeks as she clutched what looked like her swollen wrist. I quickly rushed over engulfing her into a tight hug. Liam looked over his shoulder at me, giving me a look to get her out of the crowd which I nodded to and rushed her to a cleared area in the corridor telling her to wait there and breath.

I ran back in just as chants began, pushing my way through just as Robin swung to connect his clenched fist with Liam's jaw. It almost did successfully until Liam blocked it with his arm, twisting Robin's wrist around. He was too concentrated on Robin he didn't see Jake clench his fist about to throw a punch. As soon as Jake raised his hand I rushed in pushing him out the way into a few of his friends.

"Emily move" Liam grunted pulling Robin's arm behind his back. "Liam, Jake" I pleaded as Jake stormed back over grabbing my hair. I let out a whimper just as Liam shoved Robin to the ground and grabbing Jake's collar.

"YOU THINK IT'S ALRIGT TO HIT GIRLS?! JESUS WHO BROUGHT YOU UP?" Liam growled dropping Jake onto the floor. "I am out to get you Warburton, watch out" I caught my breath as the group of boys walked away just as a few teachers rushed down the corridor. I pulled Liam along with me seeing his knuckles slightly red.

"What happened" I asked a bit shocked at the recent events as we walked back over to Anna. "They shoved Anna into a locker and kicked her legs pushing her onto the floor where she landed on her wrist. I rushed over and began shouting at them and then you rushed over" he shrugged his breathing evening out slightly but still croaking from all the shouting.

"Anna are you okay" I coped rubbing her forearm but before she answered she rushed to hug Liam, his arms wrapping gently around her shoulders. "Thank you" she mumbled into his chest causing Liam's lips to quirk up into a smile. He looked at me and I began mouthing "love birds" at him making a heart shape with my hand and jumping around. Anna pulled away making me stop and smile kindly at her. "Let me see your wrist" I ordered and she lifted her wrist for me to hold. "I think you've fractured it" I said concerned making her eyes widen. "n-no I'm fine, it's just a sprain" she tried to act like she wasn't in pain but I pressed my thumb down gently making her whimper loudly. "Come on, hospital" I said pulled my car keys from my bag, "are you sure you don't want me to take her Em" Liam offered but I shook my head, "nah, I'll be back for lunch so you won't be a loner" I smirked making him roll his eyes.

I walked Anna out of school and she instinctively leant on my shoulder for support but it was my bad shoulder making me wince in pain.

"Oh my god I am so sorry are you okay" she rushed out and I just giggled, "yes I am fine, now come on" I opened the door for her before closing it and rushing to my side and turning on the engine. I began driving in the direction of my mum's hospital when I heard Anna gasp slightly. "Are you okay" I mumbled my eyes trained on the road. "Your shoulder is bleeding" I quickly looked down seeing the blood seeping through my white shirt. When Anna put pressure on it, it must have caused more bleeding. "Shit" I mumbled. "Did I do that, what the hell? What happened?" She said copying my concerned tone as she faced me slightly. "Long story" I mumbled, "go on, I won't judge you Em, we're friends" she smiled sweetly as her eyes trailed over my bloody shoulder.

I explained last nights events to her and as I pulled into the hospital car park she looked as if she was about to cry. "Oh my god Emily, I can't believe you have to go through that, and add all the bullying on top, oh my god Em" she leant over the gear stick hugging me tightly making me breath a sigh of relief for her not judging me. "I'll live" I spoke reassuringly, "I think your the strongest person I know" she muttered still in disbelief as I helped her out the car and I shook my head. "I think that's Liam" I giggled as we walked into the hospital. She went quiet as I asked for my mum at the front desk. "Hi Emily" the receptionist grinned, "Hi Mary, is my mum here, nurse April Warburton" I asked and she nodded, "I will call her down" she did just that and soon enough my mum came down smiling.

"Shouldn't you two be in school" she grinned and I rolled my eyes. "I think Anna has fractured her wrist as some guys pushed her over and Liam came to the rescue" I told her and she nodded taking Anna's arm gently and lead us to a small booth. "That Liam, a super hero" she chuckled and I nodded. "Definitely Anna's super hero, am I right" I smirked winning at her making her blush deeply.

My mum confirmed the fractured wrist making me smile proudly at my knowledge. "I will take Anna home and head straight to school" I reassured my mother and she nodded, "you better" my mum smirked before we said our goodbyes.

A/N sorry this is just a filler while I am at my gran's, a lot more excitement tomorrow!

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