Chapter 1: The Encounter

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Adult Fire Lord Zuko narrates the chapter

After many hardships me and my friends efforts have borne fruit, The Harmony Restoration Movement were a complete success, and after a journey to find my true self i found inner peace when i was reunited with my dear mother Ursa. A new city is constructed from a fire nation colony with help from my bestfriend Avatar Aang. For a time i have never been so grateful for everything i have: a beautiful wife, great children, incredible friends, happiness of my people and peace between the Four Nations.

Then one day i was moving through the archives of The Imperial Palace when i stumbled on a box, it was full of records and reports from the Hundred-year War only its different from the others, its reports was from the Naval Regiment. Curiosity filled my thoughts from just reading the title "Highly Classified Information, Potential Nation Unrest and Military Morale compremise," Without much thought i opened the document, being the Fire Lord i have the right to know potential threats to my nation.

As i read the document its contents are not assasins or warlords i expected but something else. Even though its just words on paper, icy chill runs down my spine from reading the eyewitness reports on what sunk fleets during the war the soldiers called it Gojira

Skin dark as night, massive spikes on its back and most of all its destructive breath of blue fire from its mouth which is the most distict description from every report, my mind trailed of to the thought of this....Thing, Is it an angry spirit? My thoughts that its a spirit seems to make sense the most. My heart felt like it dropped from my chest when i read the last words on the document, "Last sighting: Yue Bay"

"Calm down Zuko, this spirit is seen there like 40 years ago there's little chance its still around there." My attempts of calming myself has little effect but i will try to keep an open mind.


We almost arrived at Republic City, Aang and the others would be there, this would be a great trip for Izumi but my mind kept playing that last line on the document over and over again. Although at first it sounded paranoid when i wanted an extra battleship for my escort but at least it helped me sleep during the entire trip.

Hours later we made it to Republic City, the frontline of technological innovations and discoveries. So far the vacation turned out well until that day......

I dropped the cup i was holding that morning when i looked at the newspaper, "Giant Creature Sighting at Yue Bay" The photo....although it looked a little blurred but its clear enough, its him....Gojira. I cleaned up the mess i made and went to see Aang.

"Aang, can i talk to you for a sec?"

"Sure, What's up Shifu Hotman?" He walked to me with a playful smile.

"I need you to come with me to the bay, meet me at the docks in an hour there is something i need to show you." I said almost whispering

"Okay, i'll be there but what's with the whispering?" He placed a palm near his mouth trying to cover his whispering lips.

"I'll explain later, please just be there."


"So, are we going on an another life-changing field trip?" Aang said with a playful grin

"Sort of like that. Do you remember about Old Iron?"

"That big armored spirit? What about him?"

"He's a spirit that will protect his home at any cost right? But in the end he found peace."

"Where are you going with this?"

"It'll make more sense if you read this first."

"Highly classified information? Zuko, i can't read this, these are private to your nation."

"This one is different."

After what feels like an eternity to me, Aang looked like he just read something really big and he isn't even finished reading it.

"This Gojira spirit sounds really powerful, but how are we going to find it? Is it even around anymore? These records are like Half-century old."

"Take a look at the last part." I said with a finger pointing at the words.

"Last sighting at Yue Bay?"

"Now look at this morning's newspaper." I handed him the news paper, he looked at the paper and the document a few times.

"So, you think he's back after all these years?"

"Yes, and if he is anything like Old Iron the people at the city could be in great danger."

"Don't worry Zuko I'll sort this out, it is my job to be the bridge between the two worlds," He proclaimed with a confident look on his face.

"I know you would," i smiled back at him.

Two hours has passed and nothing happened, i would call it a day and head back if not for the Ship Captain calling me.



"Zuko, look over there." Aang stood next to me and pointed at the huge spiky rocks coming at us.

The calmess of the sea breaks as a huge beast emerges from the ocean it stood tall higher than the cockpit of the ship and it looked down at us.

"I'll go talk to it." Aang said to me before he used airbending to even their height.

"Great spirit!" He started, "I am Avatar Aang The bridge between two worlds, i can feel your anger, please tell us what angers you so we can resolve it peacefully."

The titan beast only stared and let out a deep exhale before he swinged his hands at Aang, breaking his Air Spout.

"Whoa, watch it!" He grunted before switching to an Air Sphere. "Please great spirit let us talk about this."

Aang was too distracted to notice another hand coming for him and i heard Aang shouting in pain before he was swatted all the way to the water.

"FIREBENDERS INTO POSITION!" I ordered my men and we moved in conjuction to fire a huge fire ball at it. The titan only let out a light growl from my attack and lifted another hand to strike the ship. I closed my eyes preparing for the hit only to see the hand is held by a water tentacle, it was Aang.

He lifted himself in an elemental sphere and prepared an 4-elemental attack.

"Zuko, Stand clear!!"

The titan looked at me...with his burning eyes and let out a roar that will haunt my dreams until the end of my days......





Another nightmare....same one everytime
A roar as loud as an earthquake, skin dark as night and eyes....the eyes burning with rage.

"More nightmares dear?" Mai cupped her hands to my face.

"Just the usual stuff Mai, go back to sleep."

3 months, that's how long its been...since the encounter. Sightings of the Titan increased since that day but 1 week ago it all stopped. All records, photos regarding the creature was to be deemed classified ans stored away to prevent nation wide panic. A hunting force were formed to find that beast, other than them me, Avatar Aang, Chief Toph Beifong are the only ones that knew of his existence....Gojira.....

Years have passed, the hunting force were disbanded, Aang and Toph moved on from the threat but i knew that one day.....



The scene changes to Godzilla swimming near Kyoshi Island heading towards a fleet of The Republic Navy

The screen turns black and a roar is heard


Godzilla: Age Of The AvatarOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora