New Addition To My Death List~Part 2

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Sorry for the long break, just didnt have enough motivation to update this story. But, I'm here now with the new chapter and that's all that matters!!!! Well that and Nutella....oh well! Here it is~.


Mia's POV

I hung up my cellphone and quickly shoved it in the back pocket of my jeans. "Oh god I'm a dead man." I called in Ana's technician team and sen them to clean and reload all of her weapons, but not without some complaints and curses. While I was pacing and planning out my will, Alfred walked up to me with a very confused look on his face. "Mia, what's all this about dudette? You know that we only work on Ana's jet and car right?" I let out a shaky sigh as I turned towards him. "You remember a while back when we found that body in a jet engine?" Alfred's eyes widened and shook his head in disbelief. "Dude, you're on her death list! It's gonna be like WWIII when she comes back!" "You don't think I know that?! Look, I want you to distract Ana long enough for me to hide and make my will; you're the only one that can do it." Alfred turned his head away slowly and thought for a bit. After a few moments, Alfred let out a sigh and ran a hand through his hair (did I mention that he has dirty blonde cowlick and blue eyes with glasses? Pretty cute if you ask me :) ). "Ok; but you owe me some McDonald's after this." I let out a "Yes!!" and gave him a bi squeeze. "Thank you thank you thank you Alfred!" I then ran out of the shooting range and went to the jet holding facility. I climbed up the railings with my mad skills and hid behind it, hoping that Ana won't find me.

Ana's POV

"Yo! Sand Dune, would ya get my crew here already? Been waiting out here for a while now." I was currently on the SHIELD's ship with Captain A waiting patiently for my tech crew to get Ezio fixed up again; looks like there was a bit of an oil leak again. Right after I contacted Sand Dune, my technical group came running to my jet along with Alfred. "Alfie!" I ran towards him. "A-Ana!!" He shouted when I tackled him into a bear hug. "Dude, what took you so long?" I looked up to Alfred, who had an insanely adorable blush on his cheeks. He let out a shaky laugh and hugged me back. "Nothing! I was just wandering around the ship; I missed ya dudette!!!" He snuggled into my neck and I just let out a little laugh. But the strangers thing was that I felt someone's glare boring into the vac of my head. I let Alfred go and dragged him towards Steve, who looked kinda pissed. "Alfred, this is Steve Rogers A.K.A, Captain America. Steve, this is Alfred F. Jones; head of my technician team and one of my best friends." "Awesome! Big fan of what you did, bro!!!" He shook Steve's hand energetically with the biggest grin on his face. "Pleasure to meet you, sir." Just when I said hi to another guy on my tech crew, Al gave him a dangerous smiling glare and tightened his grip on Steve's hand. "Ditto." They both stayed like that when I faced them again and you could practically just feel the tension in the air. "Ok! I'll just be hunting down Mia now. See ya later guys." Right when I turned around, Alfred held me back to his chest. "N-Not yet! We have to talk about video games and junk!!!" I leaned my head back to see Alfred pale as a ghost, shaking in fear when my eyes turned red and got a murderous edge. "Alfred F. Jones. If you do NOT want me to dislocate both of your shoulders and arms, Let. Me. Go." Alfred shook his head no shakily while I let out a frustrated sigh. Didn't want to do this. I push Alfred off of me and held my hidden blade against his neck I a head-lock. "Al, you know better than to keep me from things. Now if you leave me alone to hunt down Mia, I won't leave you on the floor with a concussion. Got it?" Alfred shakily said yes and I let him out of the head lock. I looked towards Steve and stuck a finger at him. "Wait here Steve. I'll be back in 5 minutes; if not by then, start looking for me." He shook his head yes and I sent a smirk his way before I ran towards the inside of the ship. I checked the control room, training room, shooting range, Mia's room, the bathrooms, but she wasn't anywhere. I was already at the jet holding facility, checking every jet to see if she's there. I heard someone breath above me and I smirked, walking towards the exit door.

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