Please Don't Tell?

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Hello Wattpad people! This story is a collab piece and is a type of experiment to see if we can make it work. This is written both by mizzcasey2021 and kim2495. The first chapter was written by us both. We have no plot and no idea where this story may take us except that the main character has a secret. Each chapter we shall write individually and the other writer will not know what happens/is happening until it is uploaded to wattpad. So we will all be kept on edge. We will then write a collab chapter either every 5/10 chapters...So what you waiting for...GET READING! 


I pushed my brown hair out of my eyes while running up Malbourough street. I was late for work. Again! My boss was going to kill me, she was already annoyed for the first 3 times why did he keep me behind again? I had just done yet another detention because of supposedly wearing my skirt too high, and distracting fellow students. It's not my fault I'm popular and all the guys like me. I mean come on! How could my skirt being too high distract them anyway? Unless they were looking at something else? And how was I the only one to have detention, my copy cat friends had theirs the same, just because I'm the leader I get the shit! Well I call them friends, they were just my acquaintances. People I had to hang with simply because of my rep. I don't even like them, they just follow me like little puppy dogs. Speaking of little puppy dogs, I have to walk my new puppy later. Ergh yet another chore! i got to the doors at work, Cheryl was waiting at the door tapping her foot and tapping her watch the same time, I laughed and so did she. I ran into the building and bumped straight into my boss, horrible holly! 

"Uh, I'm sorry I'm late. I had another detention at school." I apologized quickly, pulling down my skirt so that it reached my knee at least.

"There is no excuse Lexi, this is the fourth time this week, anymore and you'll be fired!" the word 'fired' repeated over in my mind. i needed this job, it was me, my mum and my little sister, my income helped us pay for the house. 

"I'm sorry Hol, I mean Mrs Shelby. It won't happen again." I answered secretly hoping, wishing it wouldn't. I really needed to pull my act together, I went to my desk but I couldn't work because I couldn't stop thinking about my boyfriend. My mother didn't know about him and I didn't want her to. He was 19 see. Three years older than me. And my mother hated me going out with anyone older than me. She didn't know the half of it though. Don't get me wrong we were close but I had plenty of secrets. I kept a lot of things to myself as I'm not really close to anyone. The closest person to me was Elle. As I said I don't have friends but she's the closest thing I've had. But she moved away a few months back and I miss her like hell. Oh well I've got my amazing boyfriend now. He's not like most boys...He's just different. My so called friends think he's a total bad boy and by the way he looks I have to agree, he always wears a black leather jacket and rides a motorbike but to me he's sweet. He's not too pushy either. Takes things slow and likes things easy. Jamie, one of my puppy followers reckons he's cheating on me but I don't believe her she's just a shit stirrer! To be totally honest I think she has a crush on him because she always asks about him. She's just sooo fake! Awh well party this weekend, time to let my hair down and have fun so sick of school! Right then, I was shook out of my thinking by Cheryl.

"You better get to work before holly comes back!" 

Instantly I turned my head to face my computer screen and began to type up the handwritten newspaper article that one of the journalists had handed in. How fun was my job! The article was about some new place opening in central London, very boring! Who cares if it meant knocking down three houses. As long as it wasn't my house. After finishing typing it up I went back to thinking about the party this weekend, I had no idea who's party it was, Nathan was taking me there.  We'd be staying the night there too and I already knew what Nathan would have planned. Drink drink and more drink. I was pretty close with Nathan I told him almost anything, he was the total opposite of my boyfriend he had brown shaggy hair, wore glasses and was really skinny, he was quite the geek. 

              Time dragged by and eventually as the clock chimed nine o'clock it was time to go home. I couldn't wait to get out of this place, I had to run home as it was raining and I had no money for a taxi, luckily I only lived around the corner. I reached the front door to find it was locked. Mum was probably in bed with Sophia. I pulled out my keys and rammed them into the lock before practically falling through the door into the dryness of my home. I ran straight upstairs and got out of my wet clothes and into my cosy pyjamas. I hadn't checked my phone since this morning five texts; three of Nathan and two of my boyfriend Zack. I lay down in bed before reading them. Nathan’s; Are you still coming Saturday?; Lexi? Do you ever answer me?; You better had be now because I just spend thirty quid on vodka!. And then Zack’s; Babe do you fancy a day out this weekend?; Babe are you going to answer me?. I considered my options before replying. I had promised Nathan first and the vodka was very tempting. I sent to Nathan yes I'll be there you still picking me up and sorry for not answering phone was off. Then I text Zack - Sorry Babe, I'm busy. another day? xxx

I almost had an immediate reply of Nathan, he said looking forward to it and yes i shall pick you up at 7 on the dot if that's okay? I replied saying it would be fine. I'd have two hours to get ready because I worked from nine till five on a Saturday but I wouldn't take that long to get ready anyway. I was really looking forward to going on Saturday, whenever me and Nathan had a party we had an amazing time. I hardly ever remembered much of the nights but from what I could remember they were always good. I did feel guilty about going out with Nathan rather than Zack but I did promise him first, I hoped Zack would understand. Speak of the devil. My phone beeped. New text Zack, read? 'Of course, another time baby, Love you! xxx'

I'm glad he understood, I replied ‘Love you too babe, see you Sunday maybe? Xxx’ 

Then I rolled over and instantly fell asleep. School and work definitely took its toll on me. I woke up the next morning with once again loads of texts I was so glad it was Friday. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2011 ⏰

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