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Mia walked out her room not saying a word. She usual talks everyone's ears off. But today she was a mouse. I tapped her shoulder and she looked at me,"Hey Cake what ya doing?"I asked,"Nothing. Just being quiet."she sipped from a cup of hot coco,"Why.....Just WHY?!?!U ARE NEVER QUIET!!!!"I yelled,"I just really dislike Mondays."she took another sip not making any eye contact,"Please tell me ur a clone."I said and she shook her head,"Y/N~Chan calm down. Everyone knows I have a chill day. My chill days are mondays. Ill be in my room. Y/N~Chan u can come with me if u want to."she walked up stairs with(pic above.) I followed her and she sat on her cake covers. She had pics of Cookies everywhere."U really do like cookies dont u?"I asked and she smiled warmly."I have a very bad cookie problem."she laughed quietly. I saw what looked like a cosplay outfit....Mia looked at where I was starring,"Oh thats just a killers outfit for Halloween. Im not really a killer."she said,"Even after u said u killed ur whole village to go to the Irene demention."I laughed walking out,"A girl cant go evil for one time and never lives it down,without someone talking about it!?!?!"(This us from one of MC side storys. Garroth said it.)she ran after me in her dog form,"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!"I ran out the door and she tackled me into the snow, "Please dont kill me!" U whined,"Ill give u anything!!!"she thought for a moment and became human,"Even have free cookies for the rest of my life?!"she asked,"Yes!!!!!!"I yelled and she turned back into a dog and sat beside me,"Good girl."I ran away because she growled.
1 thought went through my mind the whole time.
Was that killer outfit really a cosplay?!?!?!

Hard to say,'I love you' Garroth x readerWhere stories live. Discover now