Chapter Four

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He texted me to come in, so I did. I was slightly suspicious of what he was planning. He's been coming on strong these past few weeks. I slowly turned the front door knob and pushed it open. Nothing out of the ordinary so far. I stepped in and locked the door behind me for safety reasons. I walked forward and looked for Eddward. He wasn't in the kitchen nor the living room. I decided to check up in his room. I walked up the staircase to his room, the door was ajar. I stepped closer and looked inside to see Double D on his bed in LINGERIE! I was never more attracted to a boy until this. I slapped a hand over my mouth but not before I grunted, I tried to back out but I tripped, falling on my butt. Double D's head snapped towards me. Surprise written on his face before immediately replaced with a lusty smile. The gap between his two front teeth added to his innocence. I grunted again.

"Keven! Calm Down!"


After explaining everything to me, I nodded hesitantly but on the inside I was screaming in joy. Nobody would ever do such a thing for me and I was grateful. That's when we got started.

[I'm only in 8th grade so I'm gonna ask 8th grade math questions.]

"Power to a power. 2 to the 2nd power multiplied by x to the 3rd power and y to the 0 power. Anything to the zero power is one, you can cross it out because multiplying any number by one gives you the same number." He explained and my head spun. Wut.

I got the first couple questions wrong but started to get the hang of it after the fourth problem. Soon, I got ten questions right in a row. He smiled proudly as he sat on my lap, seemingly purposely he rubbed against me to 'get comfortable.' Sure.

My breath hitched as he straddled me, propping the book up on his own lap.

"Next question." He said, his voice more suggestive than before. I got to five questions then got one wrong and had to start again. He stayed on my lap as he shook his head, disappointed.

"Maybe more motivation will help. Every question you get wrong, I'll take an article of clothing off of you." I blushed even hard [if possible]. I nodded eagerly and looked down to the question and studied it.

Ten questions answered correctly later and I had my hands all over Double D. My hands roamed his legs and smooth thighs, his stomach his chest and best of all his ass that somehow felt alot better than any I've ever touched. He moaned slightly after I squeezed it, his eyes were half-lidded and staring at me. His cheeks were flushed and his breathing became slightly heaver, all these reactions to a small [big] ass grab. Then I had to remember that this was Double D, a smart, sensitive, fragile being. He was being extremely bold as is. I smiled.

"Next question."


I never made it to fifty. I lost my cap, my hoodie and my shirt. I got to 30 and he did as promised. His small hands worked as though he had experience with this kind of thing. After he got my jeans button undone, the rules from before seemed to be forgotten completely as he engulfed me in his mouth. My hips jerked up, pushing the rest of me into his mouth. I groaned into my mouth before looking down at him. He was kneeled down between my legs, his elbows rested on my knees and his hand rubbed me up and down with his mouth as he bobbed his head, his other hand squeezing my thigh. His eyes were on mine and that turned me on even more.

My fingers entangled into his hair and tugged on it slightly, careful not to hurt him. I was tempted to stand and fuck his face but I wanted him to get used to this first, not to go crazy on him nd scare him. My free hand twitched at the urge to push his head down on it.


After that Eddward decided I get home before his friends arrive so he could clean up. I blushed heavily and obliged. I hurried home and slammed the door shut behind me when I made it inside.

I grabbed my phone as it started to vibrate. Caller ID said Nazz. Several missed calls from her, I guess I was a bit distracted from cough cough previous activities cough cough. I answered anyway and I regretted it when I did for screaming was heard on the other end.

"Keven! Where have you been? I've been calling you for the last hour!" She went on. I don't know whether to lie or not and say I was at Double Dorks house studying or out with some friends or something. I went with the first because it wasn't a lie entirely.

"Calm, I was studying over at Double D's house." I reassured. For a moment there was slight confusion.

"Double Who? You mean that Dork? Why? You can just study with me! I'll make it more interesting for you." Tempting, but I'll pass.

"Nah, I'm getting a lot done with Edd. Don't worry about it too much."

"Keven! Why are you avoiding me?" She asked in disbelief. I was with her all day today, what in the world was she talking about?

"I spent all day with you Nazz, I just went to study, get over it. You know how much I love football!" I tried to reason. Well, I tried to sound desperate but deep down I couldn't find the will to actually care. Edd seemed more convincing, caring, exciting, sexy, and smart. It was an obvious choice but what made me think we could have a relationship? What if he just wanted sex? Why am I looking into this so much? It's not like I like Double D. Right?

"-ven! Keven? Are you even listening to me?!" Nazz's screams knocked me out of my thoughts.

"What? No Lol course not, what were you saying?" I said nonchalantly.

"I am a lady and a lady needs the attention she deserves from her man." She sounded snooty and I didn't like it. I enjoyed the se when we were together at first and her new attitude but now she didn't do much but annoy me to death.

"Get it from Nat." I grumbled and hung up the phone, tossing it on the couch as I walked to my room and collapsed on my bed. I was pretty tired and it was only 8 or so. Maybe getting to bed early will be good for me instead of going to bed at 11 or 2 am.

I fell asleep after wiggling like a worm out of my hoodie, shirt and jeans. It felt like I was missing something though, or someone. I was never one for cuddling but this was outrageous, I wanted to cuddle with Double D for some strange reason. I remember the feeling of his hair through my fingers, his soft smooth skin, I wanted to cradle him against me. I wanted his body heat to mix in with mine.

I ignored it all and went to sleep. Dreaming of Double D.

Vote, Comment, Share, whatever. I missed alot of update days but eh whatever two in one day it's not like anyone's reading lol

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