Chapter Nine

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The next morning I awoke to the sound of Smee knocking on my door. I told him he could come in.

"Good morning, Princess Madeline," he said happily.

I smiled, remembering what happened last night. Hook and I kissed...

I suddenly felt sick to my stomach. I was supposed to hate Hook. I wasn't supposed to fall for him. That's not what I had in mind. We live in different worlds. It would never work out anyway...

Smee asked, "Did you have a nice rest, Madeline?"

I nodded. "Thank you, Smee."

He nodded and left the room, letting me get ready for my day.

About fifteen minutes later I was swiftly making my way towards the Captain's Quarters. I needed to talk to Hook about last night. It would never work out between us.

I knocked on the large door, only to open it anyway.

He was sitting behind a desk, his head in his hands. He gave a weak smile when he saw me enter.

I looked at his face. It looked so soft and angelic now. Before it looked like a dagger - hard edges, sharp, and dangerous.

I saw his hard features return, his eyes turning a shade darker, and I realized that I actually hated him. He did so many terrible things to so many kind people. He would never be able to break that habit.

I frowned, and he scowled, "What's wrong, Madeline?"

I was silent. The only sound was the ship creaking.

"Tell me." I swore I heard a dash of threat hidden behind his sweet tone.

My eyes filled with fear as he stood and approached me. I lifted my hand to slap him. He stopped me right before my palm collided with his cheek.

Everything stood still as he stared at me. I couldn't read him. I thought he was going to snap my wrist, knowing him. But he just stared at me. I blinked and tried to turn away from him, but he held me in place, grip tightening around my hand. He lifted his hook and slid it across the place he held.

I winced in pain as the cool air stung the cut he made. How could he hurt me like this? Now I knew I hated him.

"That was for your own good. Don't try it again, or else you'll get three cuts."

I slapped him with my other hand that wasn't in his grasp. His eyes burned with a fire I've never seen in his eyes when we were alone. I shouldn't have done that.

I started to run away, racing toward the door. He was faster than me, though. He closed the door before I made my way to it. Fearful tears ran down my face. "Hook..."

I saw his mouth twitch. He was so sweet before. He wanted to protect me from Peter. But who would protect me from him?

"Three it is."

My heart beat faster as he approached me. I tried to push him away. He wouldn't budge.

He suddenly swiped his hook across my wrist.

I felt another slash across my delicate, pale skin. There. Three.

He paused, and I could tell that there was a conflict going on in his mind.

I wanted to disappear. I was so upset that I, using all the energy I could muster, finally found the strength to push him away. I was lost for words.

His face changed, and he seemed shocked by his surroundings. "I... I lost control..." He looked down. He saw my wrist. "Did I do that... To you?"

My swollen lip quivered. I nodded, too scared to speak.

His eyes filled with tears. "I am sorry, Madeline... I would never want to hurt you... I... I'm sorry. I'm just... sorry."

... Hook ...

She would never forgive me. Sometimes I turn into a whole other person. Someone awful and... cursed. I become possessed, almost. It was that stupid Crocodile. He cursed me. It's all his fault. I might love Madeline. And because of his crap, I'm never going to be with her. All hope is lost for us.

"Please forgive me." My breathing slowed as I waited for her answer. None came.

She just stared at me with confusion, wonder, hatred, and disgust.

"Please talk."

... Madeline ...

He actually said 'Please.' Twice. He was changing, somehow, by my presence.

I was intrigued, but I was still afraid of him. I didn't want to be close to him, alone, ever again. Not until he was completely his own sweet self.


First of all, this chapter was hard for me to write, because I don't like making my characters have physical and emotional pain. And second of all, do you like the plot so far?


P.S. I wasn't completely happy with this chapter, but the next chapter will be better, I promise.

~ StarrySkies7

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