Chapter Two

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"You act like you've never seen a ship before." His words struck out from my racing mind, interrupting my thoughts.

"It's because I haven't." I said, staring at the large ship and its crew.

Everything about it made me feel out of place, but still elegant like at the palace. He had showed me to every person on board, and they would give me a few glances, but not acknowledge me in any way of formality. Plus the only name that struck out was 'Smithsonian'. He called him Smee, but the captain told me to call him by his proper name. Smithsonian seemed kind enough.

He had given me a smile, which was quickly rewarded by a smack on the back of his head by the captain that kidnapped me. It wasn't a playful smack. It was full of force and brutality, making the poor man fall over face-first on the hard wooden deck.

I gasped and tried to help him up, only to be scoffed at by the captain.

He didn't care about any other being but himself. I discovered that at this point. I don't know why I hadn't earlier.

I struggled to help him stand, as he was much heavier than I was. He grunted as I held onto his arm. He looked up at the captain, and said, "I'm fine. I don't need help." He didn't move his gaze from the captain, who gave him a death glare. "I'll go swab the deck, then, sir." He walked away slowly toward the mop that was set next to the captain's quarters.

I scowled at the captain. "You can't treat your crew like that!"

He stepped closer to me, a steady gaze on my eyes. "You listen to me, little lady. This is my ship. My seas." He raised his voice now, "I will treat them any way I please to. And it's Captain Hook to you." He turned swiftly to his headquarters, slamming the door behind him.

"Well it's Madeline to you!" I yelled back, sure he didn't hear me.

It started to rain slightly. Then harder. I shivered as I tried all the doors to the sleeping quarters. None worked, of course. Then Smithsonian yelled, "Come along Madeline!

I turned to see him waving his hands in the pouring rain next to a propped open door. "Thank you," I said over the storm.

He led me through the halls of the ship. I kept running into the walls because of the teetering of the ship. He showed me a room where I would sleep and spend most of my time in. I thanked him again, and he left me to my thoughts.

I wondered why Hook had to take me. Did he have a history with my mother? It had to be something other than the fact that I'm a princess. It seemed like he didn't know that Cinderella had a daughter. He might've been after my mom! I tried to shake away the thought, but it kept returning somehow. I wondered what terrible things he has done to his crew. Poor Smithsonian was all I could really think of.

He was so old and out of shape. He must've been working for him all his life. Which brought me to another question. What did he mean by that whole 'time doesn't move where I'm taking you" stuff? That had to be impossible. I knew it was. That meant it was probably some riddle I didn't know the meaning of.

I found myself trying to overcome sleep. When I let it flood over me I didn't wake up until I got my eight hours of sleep in.

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