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... Hook ...

It's been six years. The longest six years of my life. I wondered if she would be excited to see me... If she moved on... Or if she somehow waited for me this whole time.

I knew I was giving myself false hope. We had said our goodbyes. She expected to never see me again.

But I couldn't stop thinking about her.

I thought about her so often that my mind didn't even have time to regress to my curse. Whenever I got angry... All I had to do was think of her.

She is my only love. No one could ever compare to her. I only hoped that she thought of me as much as I thought of her.

I stared at the intercom button, my finger paused just inches from it. They have improved their security system since I ~broke in~ six years ago.

I heard a strong voice on the other side... "State your business."

"I'm a... Er... friend of Madeline's."

"Hmm. Yes, and is she expecting you today?"

"Well... You see. I'm coming as a surprise."

"Well, sir, I'm afraid you won't be able to see her today, then. My apologies."

I scoffed. That's what he thinks.

I climbed swiftly over the iron gate in front of me and dropped to the gravel below. As soon as I did, sirens blared all around me.

Multiple guards rushed towards me. I wielded my sword at them with a smirk.

I suddenly felt the pain of electricity pulsing through me. I forgot that the people from England had acquired something called a 'taser'.

Next thing I knew, I was being hauled by both of my arms to the castle.


I looked up in awe at a Madeline I no longer knew. She hadn't noticed that I was here yet, as her eyes were closed, her head resting on her hand. She must be exhausted.

After all, she was now Queen.

My heart sank.

She must already be betrothed to some strapping young gentleman.

I tried to pull my arms from the guards' grasps. The more I stayed in the castle, the more my heart ached and broke into pieces.

I squeezed my eyes shut as the guards forced me forward, toward the woman I love. I began to silently cry.

She was no longer my Princess Madeline. Her heart belonged to someone else.

I struggled against the guards further.

One began to explain my situation, "My Queen, we found him jumping over the west gate. He claimed to be-"


I looked up, her beautiful figure blurred through my tears.

I became confused as I heard her sweet, ecstatic laughter cut through the air.

I suddenly felt her soft skin against mine as she embraced me.

I was taken aback as she suddenly pressed her lips to mine.

As much as it pained me, I pushed her away. "Madeline... You... You are Queen. You are married..."

I looked up at her. I took in every single one of her stunning features. I never thought I'd see her again. After all this time...

She smiled, tears brimming her eyes. "No," she laughed, "no, I'm not married! I'm... I'm so happy you're here!" She kissed me deeply.

I soaked the moment in.

"I've missed you... I only have one question..."

I nodded.

"What took you so long?"

I smiled largely.


And they lived ~~happily ever after~~.

Lol did you guys actually think I was going to end the book with that last chapter? No, they deserve a happy ending.


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