Sequel incoming

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I know what your thinking "this is over! It was so short!" I know, I know! I'm sorry, I've just been unable to keep doing it and i'm running out of idea's, if you want a sequel you need to give me idea's! I'm titling it Daughter of The Sea, coming out Feb. 13. I am also writing a Quicksilver fan-fiction titled Mutant (a Quicksilver Fan-fiction) it is about a girl named Crystal Thomson. Pls read!

Sorry about not coming out the right time, school has been horrible and I am in Girl Scouts and my mom is the SUL (Service Unit Leader) so I have been very busy.  This may come out March 19th sorry for the inconvenience 

K guys, I tried but right now I will start Daughter of the Sea and if you guys want it to be a 3 part series then comment!

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