Amelia eyebrow arches and she asks, “What is all the food for?”

“Aria.” Heather answers. She couldn’t lie. She had to tell the truth.

“Aria?” Amelia questions eyeing all the fruit and sandwiches. “All this food for her.”

“She and George.” Heather gulps. She sees the Amelia golden orbs flash dangerously.

“Where are they?” Amelia hisses.

“I don’t know.” Heather promises. “Aria just said she and George would be down later and hungry.” She blushes and then gulps again.

Amelia storms away. Heather nervously runs her hands through her hair. She warned the human.

Upstairs George and Aria was in one of the random chambers. George was on top of her kissing her deeply. Yesterday they had their first kiss and George had freaked out saying she was the Queen wife. Yet, Aria calmed him down and said it was okay. That Amelia had a lover and she could to.

Now they were in a very heated make-out session.

George pulls Aria shirt off and then kisses down her stomach and pulls her jeans down. He looks over her and begins to kiss her again. Aria gets him out his clothes and before they knew it they were in the bed naked. George moves over her and then asks, “Is this ok.”

Aria eagerly nods her head. She wanted this.

Amelia was pissed. She couldn’t find them anywhere.

George grins and then position his self over Aria and the younger human spread her legs wider. George teases her at first and Aria arches into him. George smirks and Aria smiles back. It seemed he knew what he was doing.

George begins to suck onto Aria neck. Aria moans running her nails down the boy back. George was slowly about to enter Aria until he was suddenly on the floor. He looks up and turns white. He gulps as he watches Amelia storms towards him.

Aria immediately gets up when Amelia has George pin to a wall chocking him to death.

Aria pulls Amelia and screams, “Let him go. It’s my fault.” The vampire doesn’t listen and continues to choke George to the death.

“Amelia! Please let him go!”

She drops George and then hisses, “Leave.” George doesn’t look Aria way. He pulls his jeans up forgetting his shirt and boxers and runs out the castle.

Amelia turns back towards Aria and the human was pissed. She hasn’t seen the vampire for almost two weeks.

“What the fuck!” Aria screams.

Amelia sneers and then grabs her chin and turns it to the side. “He dare mark you.”

“She dare mark you.” Aria points out. “Get off of me. You have no say in what I do with who I do.”

Aria was about to walk out the door until Amelia sneers, “If you sleep with him or anyone I will kill them and trust me I will find out and when I do their death will be on your hands. Don’t try me Aria!”

Aria turns and looks at Amelia like she was crazy. She feels the tears burning in her eyes. Amelia watches Aria break down. The human turns her head and then runs towards her chambers.

Aria runs to her room and breaks down into tears. She was broken now. No matter what she did Amelia would always have control over her. It didn’t matter that Amelia was having an affair of her own. She got what she wanted. She could do whatever she wanted.

Aria wipes her tears and tries to breathe. She wishes she could end it all. Just take her life. But she knew Brandon would be disappointed if she killed herself. All this would be for nothing. Everyone was counting on her and she wasn’t going to give up.

Book of AriaWhere stories live. Discover now